GC Champs spot allocaiton


I've been following most of the GC regions, but I haven't looked at the format for the champs.

What was Riot thinking here?

3 slots for EMEA, 2 for NA, and only 1 for BR?

No offense to the EMEA teams, but outside of G2 gozen, the teams have only ever beaten KRU and Fennel, the teams have yet to win against any major GC region. Not to say they should go down to 1 from 2, but I don't see the point in giving an extra slot to EMEA when BR only gets 1. Like, of all the regions I'd think Riot would give a 3rd slot to, it wasn't EMEA.

How is 2 NA, 2 EMEA, 2 BR, 2 Pacific, 1 China, 1 Latam not just objectively better?

Feels bad for TL :(

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