torbjorn [#4]
Hello. I think if EG is Marved and Crashied and Yay And Victor with Good IGL and Potter Coach to Igl team is like yay passive dueling like Demon1 when Champions and Victor. I think would be very fun team to wath Valorant matches. Verse G2 eSport and Levitan and 100 Thieves because old EG and new EG are both winning games will be good match. Maybe NaturRE IGL because EG and Potter already friends and IGL together. And Chamber is back meta hopefully to Yay get to play. I am very exciting for this. Thank you.
Hello. I think Also if EG is Marved and Yay and Crashies and Victor will be fun to watch Play NRG esport also old teammate of Marved and Yay And Crashies and victor and Ethan was EG before and know Potter. Thank you.