Going to mexico in an hour, can someone teach me some mexican phrases (i know)
No manches - no way; you're kidding me
Güey - dude
A huevo - hell yeah
Chafa - low quality
Gacho - obnoxious, rude, cruel
Cabron - male goat
Buena Onda - something that looks cool to you
Naco - uncivilized
Chela - beer
Crudo - hangover
Neta - truth/really
Aguas - heads up
Fresa - wealthy
Orale - let's go
Not a local, but I picked this up during my trip to Mexico. I'm visiting Argentina soon!
other than what's been said already
me gusta - i like
este/esta - this (could be useful if you want something but dont know the name and the person doesn't know english)
eso/esa - that
esos/esas - those
quiero - i want
buenos dias - good morning
buenos tardes - good afternoon
buenos noches - good night
comida - food
con permiso - excuse me
dios mio - oh my god
tienes un buen dia - have a good day
me gusta sus pelotas - i like your smile
dont say that last one