kekw wtf happend I though asspiss is going there ?
is he fucked now ?
PP12123213123 [#5]Yes he need to find team that can afford his payout within 3 days before roster annouce
he could land in NA in EG or whatever or go back to Bronzil.
I doubt any emea team will take him (money and he is a baiter)
whoaskedbruh [#6]he could land in NA in EG or whatever or go back to Bronzil.
I doubt any emea team will take him (money and he is a baiter)
Bronzil poor either
PP12123213123 [#5]Yes he need to find team that can afford his payout within 3 days before roster annouce
What are you talking about 3 days? The off season lasts until january. Theres no limit to how long a team can take to sign someone. October 7th is the FIRST day teams can sign players not the last
PP12123213123 [#5]Yes he need to find team that can afford his payout within 3 days before roster annouce
The 7th isnt gonna be a deadline for rosters. It simply the first date on which teams are allowed to actually hand out contracts. Loads of teams wont have their full roster together until much later.
whoaskedbruh [#6]he could land in NA in EG or whatever or go back to Bronzil.
I doubt any emea team will take him (money and he is a baiter)
Cry more, the best duelist is yours, Emea should do the same thin they do in football, transform Emea teams in SA teams, bc their Emea players is washed