2G performance in 2025

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They won't have Spikez initially which sucks for them. But, assuming they find a decent enough replacement until he can return, this is how i think they will do:

Kickoff - Debuts are always hard and they have a very small time frame to deal with the loss of Spikez + Get used to their new lifes + Practice. Everyone else got their sweet offseason meanwhile 2G was preparing for and playing ascension and now they have a bunch of shit to deal with so yeah not good. Maybe they win a game or two but i wouldnt expect more than that.

Stage 1 - After the dust settles i think they'll look much better. At this point the Spikez replacement should be decently integrated on the team and the debut stress + new life style are not factors anymore. Teams that came back from masters should be facing tough times which will open a window for others to capitalize on. They can definetly make playoffs here if their group is easy enough. Dont think they go to Toronto thou.

Stage 2 - Spikez is back for more than a month right now so they should be somewhat close to their ascension form if not even better because of the experience the players and especially Zap as the IGL got playing tier 1. I would be disappointed if they dont make playoffs here since the table actually resets for stage 2 in 2025. Making Champions is an entirely different story thou. Realistically, they probably dont. BUT, for the sake of my Brazilian blood, i will put my faith on them and say they classify.

Champions - Just the fact we are here at all is huge. I dont think they will feel any pressure atleast during groups since just their presence in the event should make them more than happy already. Making out of groups will be tough especially if they are #3 seed. I want to say they make playoffs but considering that they will probably be the #3 seed and that the #3 seed is pretty much always the weakest of the group... yeah, i dont think they make it. Maybe they win one game but thats it.

Overall thou it was a pretty good year for an ascension team if things go like i just said. Making playoffs twice is awesome for them (Remember that the Champions part im only including for storyline and patriotic purposes lol)


bro created a script 💀


they gotta make him the 6th man at the very least so he can get paid some $$$ as he helped them ascend too...-


what the fanfic

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