VCT and Ascension Future?

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So, while Ascension is still happening in Pacific, I really wanna know any prediction/opinions of you guys about Ascended Teams and how franchise league will sustain in the future.

  1. With the past information about Ascended Teams eligibility to survive in Tier1 being reduced to 1 year, and where they're obliged to qual for Champions of the year they participated as Tier1 team, How would that work for tier1 tho? I mean... so, 2025 will have 12, but if those 8 ascended teams, in the worst possible scenario, do not qual for the Champs, they have to descend to Ascension to fight back for the spot, which will result with only one of the Ascension participants will qual for Tier1 WHICH will make Tier1 will have only 11 Teams again just like this this year 2024, where the year feels sucks, since 11 teams make awkward standing system in the regional league. It's just...... kinda confusing for me.

  2. How about the VCT Franchise Roadmap that they posted in the beginning of 2023, where they gonna hold the ascension teams until they have 14 slots on every region, and will continue with that 14 teams? they just scrapped that?

  3. Lastly, If VCT move over to transform Franchise League and Tier2 to be held with better format, how?

Very much appreciated for you who reply. :)


we need a new format, heres my suggestion:
get rid of all the orgs
put all the players names in a randomizer and pull the lever to decide teams at the beginning of the season
when a team loses a match the bottom fragger gets dropped and replaced by the current #1 ranked radiant player

  • 1 If no team manage to go to world in a T1 region, then top 2 of ascention will be qualified, Kinda fair and easy to me !
  • 2 The league with 14 region was removed when they decided to give a chance to team to expand their time in T1 indefinitely if they are good enough, it will be only 12 now, probably because a league with 14 mean 2 group of 7 and that mean problem with schedule, as I kinda says here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_fOPBPWl_w my belief is that in future Tier 1 will expand and we will have 2 more partener team and 2 more ascended team to have a 16-team league wish is kinda the perfect number, we just need that war in Ukraine end (So Riot can give a spot that represent CIS), and wait to see if biggest structure from CN will stabilize their acc or backrupt to choose the 2 expanded partenred team
  • 3 I don't understand your question 3

No more 14 teams, the league will be capped at 12 teams and both Ascension teams in IL need to perform well in order to retain their spot

There's no relegation so from 2025 to the future it will always be 12 teams

For your 3rd question, there's nothing that can change make this franshise thing good. It's enjoyable for viewers but not sustainable to pro players. Open bracket system like 2021 and 2022 is the proper way IMO

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