I personally think KD, FK/ FD or ACS alone isn't the best way to classify these players but in terms of impact I think G2 Avova, 100T nitr0, NV Marved and Gmb Redgar were the top controllers in Berlin
I'm still waiting for the logs section update so that we can classify kills like trade kills/ lurk kills/ eco- anti eco kills/ clutch kills that would bring support roles a bit closer to duelists
AvovA is most definitely the best controller rn there should be no doubt about it
I really like marved and nitro and redgar as well
Mako from VS is also very underrated
HM: Zombs, Bonecold, Brave
Also this is just from Berlin and I haven't seen every game cause of school so maybe like v1xen from VK deserves an HM but I haven't watched him.