GE should...

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build a full KR or SEA team if they wanna stay in franchising 👍


If I would be Riot and GE do that I would drop them without any hesitation in 2027

Riot choose GE for representing India, we dont care about performance, this structure is supposed to help India to become a good region in the futur, I rather have a structure that end last in every tournament with 5 Indian player, than a structure that win champions with 5 KR player, diversity is the key and APAC becoming just KR tier 1, would be the worst horrible thing for the hype, the stability and the long term.

We should stop think in shor term

Anguibok [#2]

If I would be Riot and GE do that I would drop them without any hesitation in 2027

Riot choose GE for representing India, we dont care about performance, this structure is supposed to help India to become a good region in the futur, I rather have a structure that end last in every tournament with 5 Indian player, than a structure that win champions with 5 KR player, diversity is the key and APAC becoming just KR tier 1, would be the worst horrible thing for the hype, the stability and the long term.

We should stop think in shor term

no wonder APAC is still ass

Anguibok [#2]

If I would be Riot and GE do that I would drop them without any hesitation in 2027

Riot choose GE for representing India, we dont care about performance, this structure is supposed to help India to become a good region in the futur, I rather have a structure that end last in every tournament with 5 Indian player, than a structure that win champions with 5 KR player, diversity is the key and APAC becoming just KR tier 1, would be the worst horrible thing for the hype, the stability and the long term.

We should stop think in shor term

5 Indians cant even win VCLSA , the top4 team of split 2 were having 2 imports and all those imports were the best players of their respective teams, So indian stll lacks behind
Btw GE academy is confirmed by the owner who will be competing in VCLSA, maybe this is how Indians pave their way to Franchise


it doesnt matter, sea fan or kr fans will not support them either


Just pick up oce roster and rebrand atp

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