Daily Habit

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In relation to this post: https://www.vlr.gg/405111/someone-help

I’m going to be keeping a daily log here so I can update my progress and feel motivated by other people seeing this.

Day 1 (tonight):
Going to start documenting all my assignments, tests, and clubs
Take a breather for tonight and lock myself in for tommorow
Going to uninstall Valorant and create a distraction free environment.


"Going to uninstall Valorant and create a distraction free environment."



What is junior highschool? Like what grade is it?

IHaveAnswers [#3]

What is junior highschool? Like what grade is it?

junior in high school, not junior high. junior in high school is 11th grade

Dreoxx [#2]

"Going to uninstall Valorant and create a distraction free environment."


just saw your other post. i still stand by my initial reaction. get off vlr and here's why:

im currently like 2 months away from sending my EA for college.

depending on your reach (ivy/t20s? uc/csus? new ivies? techs?) and match, your junior year should be geared towards crafting a story that encompasses your passions. I'm assuming you already have a 1500+ SAT (and/or ACT equivalent) if you strive to actually get out of the system, and like a GPA that would scale to the upper echelon of your grade.

some underrated advice: don't fucking listen to the "college and study habit advice" yters, they only give you a burst of momentum, then you fail to fix the root issue. this is also an assumption since you, like me and most of our peers, are still procrastinating.

if you are still devoted towards getting into a good college that suits your needs, please get off this site and forget about valorant, especially if you think you are "average," and also because ECs already take a toll on you, so why leisure off on valorant content when you can take a walk, go to the gym, or other healthy sources of entertainment?

if you trying to get motivated from other ppl's reactions, its valid but it definitely wont fix a petrified habit like procrastination. find the root cause, fix it with your internal locus of control, and stay true to the grind. don't regret it when you receive the oh-so-sorry "we're sorry but you have been rejected from your dream school. sincerely, dream school" letters.

good luck.

Dreoxx [#5]

just saw your other post. i still stand by my initial reaction. get off vlr and here's why:

im currently like 2 months away from sending my EA for college.

depending on your reach (ivy/t20s? uc/csus? new ivies? techs?) and match, your junior year should be geared towards crafting a story that encompasses your passions. I'm assuming you already have a 1500+ SAT (and/or ACT equivalent) if you strive to actually get out of the system, and like a GPA that would scale to the upper echelon of your grade.

some underrated advice: don't fucking listen to the "college and study habit advice" yters, they only give you a burst of momentum, then you fail to fix the root issue. this is also an assumption since you, like me and most of our peers, are still procrastinating.

if you are still devoted towards getting into a good college that suits your needs, please get off this site and forget about valorant, especially if you think you are "average," and also because ECs already take a toll on you, so why leisure off on valorant content when you can take a walk, go to the gym, or other healthy sources of entertainment?

if you trying to get motivated from other ppl's reactions, its valid but it definitely wont fix a petrified habit like procrastination. find the root cause, fix it with your internal locus of control, and stay true to the grind. don't regret it when you receive the oh-so-sorry "we're sorry but you have been rejected from your dream school. sincerely, dream school" letters.

good luck.

my ecs are very good, t20 level.

it's just that i can't forget about tacfps/aimtrainers it's my biggest hobby

ishaanko [#6]

my ecs are very good, t20 level.

it's just that i can't forget about tacfps/aimtrainers it's my biggest hobby

im in and slightly still am in the same boat. if you play a sport, find another reason to love that sport and play with your friends, school team, and in externals teams!

for me my outlet is cooking and mostly learning new languages! its a really fun way to immerse myself into learning new cultures as well.

Dreoxx [#7]

im in and slightly still am in the same boat. if you play a sport, find another reason to love that sport and play with your friends, school team, and in externals teams!

for me my outlet is cooking and mostly learning new languages! its a really fun way to immerse myself into learning new cultures as well.

i've always wanted to learn korean so maybe i'll try that.
i think im gonna drop val, but not drop aimtrainers as that requires less dedication

im also gonna start trying to work out at home as a way of natural dopamine

im just always stressed about GPA even though it's a 4.0 rn

Dreoxx [#7]

im in and slightly still am in the same boat. if you play a sport, find another reason to love that sport and play with your friends, school team, and in externals teams!

for me my outlet is cooking and mostly learning new languages! its a really fun way to immerse myself into learning new cultures as well.

oh and also check these boxes:

  • research program
  • internships
  • self-motivated projects
  • discreetly appealing to your teachers, having genuine talks with them (letter of recs)
  • retaining good GPA (duh)
  • part-time job
  • passion work or starting a small NPO that doesn't scream "THISISFORCOLLEGEAPPS"
  • reaching out to colleges (underrated)
Dreoxx [#9]

oh and also check these boxes:

  • research program
  • internships
  • self-motivated projects
  • discreetly appealing to your teachers, having genuine talks with them (letter of recs)
  • retaining good GPA (duh)
  • part-time job
  • passion work or starting a small NPO that doesn't scream "THISISFORCOLLEGEAPPS"
  • reaching out to colleges (underrated)

lemme see:

  • doing heavy research ✅

  • robotics ✅

  • national competitions - ✅

  • appeal to teachers (mid)

  • GPA ✅

  • blogging (self-motivated)

  • SAT ✅

  • volunteering ✅

  • internships (none atm)

  • (does video editing count as a job? i've created 10+ million views in the mcyt space)

ishaanko [#8]

i've always wanted to learn korean so maybe i'll try that.
i think im gonna drop val, but not drop aimtrainers as that requires less dedication

im also gonna start trying to work out at home as a way of natural dopamine

im just always stressed about GPA even though it's a 4.0 rn

i have a 4.8 weighted in one of the most challenging hs in America. and here I am, still on vlr, still struggling, and still finding my groove. just know that you're not alone, and being desperate enough to seek for validation-motivation (what you're doing right now) is a step in the right direction, but not a good step. if you think others cheering you on gives you the most validation, try having your friends holding you accountable.

if you are a d1 procrastinator that produces diamonds under pressure, trick your brain into thinking that certain due dates are due x hours/days earlier, so you give it your all right before the date approaches. its a good method for you to edit if you screwed up while rushing with some leeway, and still lock in for an extended period of time. only way I think it might be ineffective is if you realize that, "hey, why am I rushing this? realistically, I can procrastinate for a couple more hours instead of doing this strategy" and that's only if you break the illusion of you needing to finish before the deadline you set

Dreoxx [#11]

i have a 4.8 weighted in one of the most challenging hs in America. and here I am, still on vlr, still struggling, and still finding my groove. just know that you're not alone, and being desperate enough to seek for validation-motivation (what you're doing right now) is a step in the right direction, but not a good step. if you think others cheering you on gives you the most validation, try having your friends holding you accountable.

if you are a d1 procrastinator that produces diamonds under pressure, trick your brain into thinking that certain due dates are due x hours/days earlier, so you give it your all right before the date approaches. its a good method for you to edit if you screwed up while rushing with some leeway, and still lock in for an extended period of time. only way I think it might be ineffective is if you realize that, "hey, why am I rushing this? realistically, I can procrastinate for a couple more hours instead of doing this strategy" and that's only if you break the illusion of you needing to finish before the deadline you set

tysm bro

ishaanko [#10]

lemme see:

  • doing heavy research ✅

  • robotics ✅

  • national competitions - ✅

  • appeal to teachers (mid)

  • GPA ✅

  • blogging (self-motivated)

  • SAT ✅

  • volunteering ✅

  • internships (none atm)

  • (does video editing count as a job? i've created 10+ million views in the mcyt space)

  • heavy research with what institute? on what? for how long and with whom?
  • nice! which team? FRC or FTC?
  • like?
  • it can be something small, like asking a few MEANINGFUL questions
  • :D
  • what do you blog about? maybe connect it a bit to your desired major but still keep some topics fresh and unrelated
  • awesome
  • how many hours and for what? also make sure its not in one basket, diversify!
  • get an internship asap
  • would be better if it was an actual part-time like the fast-food industry that reflects society better, I would only take vid edits over this if you are applying for anything film/digital

Reading this has made me realize how serious I should've taken school and how not so serious I have been and still am when I am in my final year of college lmao. Good luck to you all and hope you all succeed in whatever you all plan to do. I got to get my life in check lmao.

ishaanko [#12]

tysm bro

np, i see you working on the grind and respect it

Dreoxx [#13]
  • heavy research with what institute? on what? for how long and with whom?
  • nice! which team? FRC or FTC?
  • like?
  • it can be something small, like asking a few MEANINGFUL questions
  • :D
  • what do you blog about? maybe connect it a bit to your desired major but still keep some topics fresh and unrelated
  • awesome
  • how many hours and for what? also make sure its not in one basket, diversify!
  • get an internship asap
  • would be better if it was an actual part-time like the fast-food industry that reflects society better, I would only take vid edits over this if you are applying for anything film/digital
  • isef stuff
  • ftc
  • TSA, usaco
  • tech stuff relating ml/robotics or just tennis/personal experiences
  • mainly tutoring but some senior center stuff
Crypto_816 [#14]

Reading this has made me realize how serious I should've taken school and how not so serious I have been and still am when I am in my final year of college lmao. Good luck to you all and hope you all succeed in whatever you all plan to do. I got to get my life in check lmao.

not too late to start joining societies and start early on making BANK (growth stocks, bonds, dividends, ETFs v. Mutuals, etc...)

whatcha majoring in?

ishaanko [#10]

lemme see:

  • doing heavy research ✅

  • robotics ✅

  • national competitions - ✅

  • appeal to teachers (mid)

  • GPA ✅

  • blogging (self-motivated)

  • SAT ✅

  • volunteering ✅

  • internships (none atm)

  • (does video editing count as a job? i've created 10+ million views in the mcyt space)

oh yeah for teacher's i've realized some of the best strategies are to maintain eye contact throughout the class no matter what
and then you can build on this by asking questions, conversing casually, etc
i'm not that social irl so this is hard for me, i've literally had to chatgpt some casual questions to ask to build relationships

ishaanko [#16]
  • isef stuff
  • ftc
  • TSA, usaco
  • tech stuff relating ml/robotics or just tennis/personal experiences
  • mainly tutoring but some senior center stuff

nah bruh bro pulled up with usaco plat
congrats on cmu or sum shit

ishaanko [#16]
  • isef stuff
  • ftc
  • TSA, usaco
  • tech stuff relating ml/robotics or just tennis/personal experiences
  • mainly tutoring but some senior center stuff

cool cool

funny how you are literally my clone.

I was on FRC (robotics), SkillsUSA (layman version of HOSA or FBLA), on my school's tennis team, did a shit ton of tutoring

nobody___100 [#18]

oh yeah for teacher's i've realized some of the best strategies are to maintain eye contact throughout the class no matter what
and then you can build on this by asking questions, conversing casually, etc
i'm not that social irl so this is hard for me, i've literally had to chatgpt some casual questions to ask to build relationships

you are cooked if you're using chatgpt for sociality

in all reality these are good methods, but I can't help but to imagine how creepy a teacher might see a student if they were just intently staring at them the whole class 🤣

Dreoxx [#21]

you are cooked if you're using chatgpt for sociality

in all reality these are good methods, but I can't help but to imagine how creepy a teacher might see a student if they were just intently staring at them the whole class 🤣

eye contact isn't staring
and you don't look at them if they aren't lecturing or something

nobody___100 [#22]

eye contact isn't staring
and you don't look at them if they aren't lecturing or something

sorry for the misinterpretation

"maintain eye contact throughout the class no matter what"

I just thought the "no matter what" portion really implied that you were hard staring lol

nobody___100 [#19]

nah bruh bro pulled up with usaco plat
congrats on cmu or sum shit

usaco is crazy fr

hope bro gets called up for summer camp and maybe if he's cracked he gets into IOI

Dreoxx [#23]

sorry for the misinterpretation

"maintain eye contact throughout the class no matter what"

I just thought the "no matter what" portion really implied that you were hard staring lol

nah bruh i'm not some weirdo like that

Dreoxx [#17]

not too late to start joining societies and start early on making BANK (growth stocks, bonds, dividends, ETFs v. Mutuals, etc...)

whatcha majoring in?

Software Engineering. I lived quite a depressing life up until this life. You wouldn't believe me if I told you but I have lived an entire year just inside my house not even stepping out to get some sunlight lol. I'm doing quite fine rn but overall my educational life is in the dumps. I can probably get an Second Upper in Uni but still ..

Crypto_816 [#26]

Software Engineering. I lived quite a depressing life up until this life. You wouldn't believe me if I told you but I have lived an entire year just inside my house not even stepping out to get some sunlight lol. I'm doing quite fine rn but overall my educational life is in the dumps. I can probably get an Second Upper in Uni but still ..

I'm assuming you're a brit and second upper just means around a low to mid 3.59 GPA or in the middle of the pack.

Honestly, it's a start and a good one. You can't tell a depressed person to just be "undepressed." But you can tell yourself to become "undepressed," to become "undepressed." It's just that what daunts people is that the process is long and bumpy.

good job. i cant speak for yourself and say that I'm proud of you, but I'm proud of you.

Dreoxx [#27]

I'm assuming you're a brit and second upper just means around a low to mid 3.59 GPA or in the middle of the pack.

Honestly, it's a start and a good one. You can't tell a depressed person to just be "undepressed." But you can tell yourself to become "undepressed," to become "undepressed." It's just that what daunts people is that the process is long and bumpy.

good job. i cant speak for yourself and say that I'm proud of you, but I'm proud of you.

Not a brit but my degree is from the UK so same thing. Ah I'm not that depressed now but I was in the years that mattered but I can't change that shit now.
Hopefully I figure this shit out.

Also Thanks. It means a lot.

Dreoxx [#5]

just saw your other post. i still stand by my initial reaction. get off vlr and here's why:

im currently like 2 months away from sending my EA for college.

depending on your reach (ivy/t20s? uc/csus? new ivies? techs?) and match, your junior year should be geared towards crafting a story that encompasses your passions. I'm assuming you already have a 1500+ SAT (and/or ACT equivalent) if you strive to actually get out of the system, and like a GPA that would scale to the upper echelon of your grade.

some underrated advice: don't fucking listen to the "college and study habit advice" yters, they only give you a burst of momentum, then you fail to fix the root issue. this is also an assumption since you, like me and most of our peers, are still procrastinating.

if you are still devoted towards getting into a good college that suits your needs, please get off this site and forget about valorant, especially if you think you are "average," and also because ECs already take a toll on you, so why leisure off on valorant content when you can take a walk, go to the gym, or other healthy sources of entertainment?

if you trying to get motivated from other ppl's reactions, its valid but it definitely wont fix a petrified habit like procrastination. find the root cause, fix it with your internal locus of control, and stay true to the grind. don't regret it when you receive the oh-so-sorry "we're sorry but you have been rejected from your dream school. sincerely, dream school" letters.

good luck.

what you mean get out of the system bro its not that deep


oi where my 10 bucks


what you mean get out of the system bro its not that deep

if a dude is struggling to get out of the procrastination cycle for this long, maybe it is deep enough

think about it

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