OCE is everything wrong with tier 2

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No Org Backing: With pretty much no money to make it becomes impossible for valorant to become a sustainable game for any orgs investing in OCE teams, which leads to big players trying to leave the region
No Scrims: Geographically there is no way to scrim any teams without being 100+ ping and so scrim quality is awful. It’s pretty much the same as people complaining about South America scrims but it’s 10x worse here
Good Players, Bad Teams: I feel like what we’ve seen from the 2024 season is that the talent in tier 2 is insane, and their are many players who could destroy tier 1 waiting, but there is a lack of really strong teams that have all stars. This is very much seen in OCE as there are no true super teams and lots of our top players are in China or elsewhere
Low Viewership: Don’t really have to explain but this comes from other factors
Poorly Managed: Let’s play live are disastrous hosts that don’t pay players for long time periods, take forever to release schedules, and can’t even keep the code of their games up. Absolute joke of tournament organisers but tbh I don’t think we’ll be able to do much better with this dry region


Do OCE orgs still invest in cs? Or have they given up on esports?
I do feel like riot fucked it up by not giving a slot to oce in franchising it would’ve helped the scene by a lot tbh.


does OCE even have a good pro scene in any game? their geographical location is limiting and their population isn't THAT big so I don't think this is abnormal or an issue with the system in particular (though the system does have its issues)


OCE literally is suffering the same fate as Brazil tier 2

The only Hope you guys have is to create your own System and ignore Riot Ascention scams, in the long term It would be sustainable for you guys.

voxsu [#2]

Do OCE orgs still invest in cs? Or have they given up on esports?
I do feel like riot fucked it up by not giving a slot to oce in franchising it would’ve helped the scene by a lot tbh.

I think they gave up on Apex Legends too, the AUS Teams (APAC-S) are being backed by EMEA Orgs iirc

uwukitten [#3]

does OCE even have a good pro scene in any game? their geographical location is limiting and their population isn't THAT big so I don't think this is abnormal or an issue with the system in particular (though the system does have its issues)

Autumn. Tixx is another good player

uwukitten [#3]

does OCE even have a good pro scene in any game? their geographical location is limiting and their population isn't THAT big so I don't think this is abnormal or an issue with the system in particular (though the system does have its issues)

once upon a time oceania had a counter-strike team that was top 4 in the world, good times


Oce is just bad

kfan4238173 [#8]

Oce is just bad

bro when's vultures 3

voxsu [#2]

Do OCE orgs still invest in cs? Or have they given up on esports?
I do feel like riot fucked it up by not giving a slot to oce in franchising it would’ve helped the scene by a lot tbh.

OCE NEED to have a slot in the near future, if Riot doesnt find a way in 2027 to give them one, long term will be horrible for the region.

Val need to be a worldwide esport

uwukitten [#3]

does OCE even have a good pro scene in any game? their geographical location is limiting and their population isn't THAT big so I don't think this is abnormal or an issue with the system in particular (though the system does have its issues)

They won like 2 LANs in Apex Legends, 1 Master 1 Championship

They still have some Top 10 Teams in Apex too

Anzaldinho [#9]

bro when's vultures 3

he can keep dat shit we dont want it no more

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