
I dont get people who pirate stuff

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Meaning that you can download it through somewhere else through the internet without having to travel physical miles just so you can copy them, do you even understand what you're saying here?

Btw don't mind the flag I'm just repping the flag till ascension ends


cool, so it's not your english, you're just braindead, good to know.
i am NOT taking a copy that you have to CTRL+C CTRL+V to replace PERIOD, physically digitally or otherwise. the number of copies of the file that you have is UNAFFECTED by my actions. i never for even a second reduce that number. i could pirate a million copies, pull them all up on my PC at once and jack off to the BSOD that that causes and you would have absolutely zero way of knowing because it wouldn't affect you or your stock in the slightest. copying files could be a painstaking, arduous process and you STILL wouldn't be affected because you DON'T have to copy anything to "replace" what i "stole" because there's nothing to be replaced.


You know what I think you're braindead too, one of your questions literally asked "what is wrong with stealing?"

Let's just consider this conversation never happened because my brain can't take your stupidity anymore,


i know what's wrong with stealing, but evidently you don't, otherwise you'd be able to tell me instead of hiding from that very simple question.

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