teams: DOGSHIT
players: a couple really insane players otherwise MID players
its like a burden to watch more than it is entertaining wise. not even a single story line except the "will m80 choke again 🤓"
kalayav_n [#3]they are also DOG, 8-4 and somehow lose to some yoru 1 trick
Brother your flair let that Yoru one trick go +20 last time they met 💀
Denjisideals [#4]Brother your flair let that Yoru one trick go +20 last time they met 💀
check previous posts, im as much of a critic on TSM as i am on all knights
kalayav_n [#6]check previous posts, im as much of a critic on TSM as i am on all knights
All knights are a great team
But if you are gonna talk smack about tier 2 teams for doing tier 2 things, I don't think that makes sense.
Plus there is no "this region is so good the others are trash" anymore
It's 2024.
Everyone is competitive
Denjisideals [#8]All knights are a great team
But if you are gonna talk smack about tier 2 teams for doing tier 2 things, I don't think that makes sense.
Plus there is no "this region is so good the others are trash" anymore
It's 2024.
Everyone is competitive
Im not one of those regional war bums on VLR for 1. Two these are the teams making it into T1, I dont want a non competitive 2024 MIBR or 2024 FURIA type team which makes it boring to watch. hope you see it more as a critique more than bashing.
gambusia1302 [#9]How is Reta having 3 washed tier 1 players coming back for revenge not a storyline
If only i knew that, what great production from AMERICAS t2 to showcase that