Next meta

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Ok so given the Astra and Chamber buffs, the meta will be very open next year, so this is what I think the next meta might be (if Rito don't do mid January Skye nerf type shi):

Abyss - Cypher,Astra,Omen/Gekko,Sova, Jett or one more aggressive Chamber,Astra,Omen/Gekko,Sova,Neon
Ascent - Cypher/Killjoy,Omen,Sova,KayO,Jett nothing is changing the Ascent meta ever
Bind - Viper,Brimstone,Gekko,Fade,Raze or Viper,Brimstone,Gekko, Vyse and Raze
Haven - tricky one cuz statistically FNC comp had the best WR this year so I'd go with Cypher/Chamber, Vyse, Omen, Sova, Jett/Neon
Pearl - since we haven't seen Pearl in a long time I reckon teams will rely at least in the beginning on passive info so I'd choose Vyse/Killjoy,Viper/Omen,Astra,Sova/Gekko,Jett/Chamber
Split - no changes in the map that was gone for 2 months so the meta will stay the same Cypher,Viper,Omen,Skye,Raze
Sunset - changes are coming to Sunset B site but I think the meta will remain the same here as well with a potential for Chamber maybe to sneak in for potentially KayO but I doubt it - Cypher,Sova,KayO,Omen,Neon/Raze.

We might be heading into double senti meta on most of the maps. Thoughts?


hard agree with most of these except for abyss, i think that astra will dominate omen as the sole controller as previously both of them just werent quite good enough to work solo, the buff to astra is substantial enough for her to work solo imo


the thing with Omen being meta on every map is cuz of the Paranoia for retake


Disagree about abyss, haven, Pearl, and minimal sunset. For maps like abyss, teams were already kinda 50 50 on Astra or omen but with these buffs, and with how big the map is Astra will be better. For haven Pearl, teams that ran Skye viper on maps like haven and split were more successful so I think harbor viper will be the best. Sunset just Gekko>Sova if raze and maybe a breach anytime cause of how good he is on sunset.


If Chamber becomes more popular ( it should), so will Iso, the shield hard counters awp's first picks. He wasn't around in Chamber era and could prevent another one (also the fact teams got a lot better at using utility, awp isnt THAT strong anymore)


agree BUT Iso as solo duelist can't work at all in my opinion.

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