Short and skinny dudes, come

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I understand what you're saying, but what is the point if I workout to burn an extra 200-300kcal just to eat it again? I can just lower the food. Even if I increase my intake and agree that 1000kcal is too low, 1300kcal is still within the healthy range for moderate weight loss (for someone with my stats), I don't need to be at 1700kcal.

-grammar fix-


bro your basal metabolic rate BMR is 1531 which is how much your body needs just to exist if u lay in bed all day u burn 1531 if u legit do anything else it will be at about 1700 cals just to exist if u workout and burn 300 it would be like eating 1400 which is extreme weight loss which needs you to go to the doctor at least once a week and before you do it u need a consult let me repeat if you want to lose weight while not giving yourself health problems that will probably make you gain it all back 1740cals is your best bet with moderate workouts you will lose weight going under this will cause your body to go in starvation mode where it will try its fucking hardest to fight against you and maintain all the fat and body weight it can and buring calories doesn't do much all it does it allows to eat more so you don't starve and you can legit do anything else
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPrjP4A_X4s&t=571s&ab_channel=Kurzgesagt%E2%80%93InaNutshell this a video about the myth of working out it doesn't do much it is healthy to workout daily but all in all it is more about giving your body the calorie minium which is 1500-1700
base line is more protein and fiber and water and micro nurtients and maintain a healthy workout rountine and meet your minium calories 1500-1700 you will lose weight that is it really easy more fruit vegtables more protein more fiber and less junk food will make it easier you can still lose weight eating only junk food btw if u maintain you calorie minium i read a research paper where a prof ate only twinks and soda and lost weight


Alright, thanks for the info bro. Can't promise I'll take it all on board 100% but I'll change my approach and see how it goes.

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