SEN fans should be locked in mental asylum

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well your fans cant read and are alienating those who support them evident below. call me idiotic all u want to me ur just a bandwagon retard who bouncing on the cock of some degen porn lover. bringing up suicide about being a super fan of a tteam hell nah. u guys arent just fans some yall u guys are retarded


did you even read or try to comprehend what I said in #42? ofc you didn't your hate for sen fans and tenz has clouded your brain so much everything goes over your head you think one supportive statement or complement on tenz means I treat him like a god when I did none of that and when has any tenz incident been swept under the rug? you're proving yourself to be the retarded one... the other indian flag guy you're talking about only asked why you're generalising sen fans and did nothing else like shit-talking boo or praising tenz or sen fandom but you don't care, see how you're talking about tenz, do you think all other pros are saints and they do none of that, if what you said about tenz was said against other pros you like would you have stayed still?


well the other one couldnt tell eople where saying that sen fans are chill. ya all ok with calling out boo for racism but not tenz for a rabid porn addiction. and you do treat him like a god. at least some of you. i dont hate ur fans i just think half you are retarded. and your convincing me u and that other guy are if u cant see that lol. not only are u not countering my arguement that half u are retarded and that u guys do indeed have double standards you chose to attack me instead lol. your actually pathetic. i already said no one of these pros are "good" all of edg are huge smokers boo getting that shit on his feed is weird but your sen fans are algs with calling out everyone but themselves. yall just want to live in an echo chamber. ive stated multiple times what incident. and all i said was its not all sen fans but always a sen fan. so get ur retarded head outta of ur ass and understand that im saying its always a sen fan whos getting angry and piss shit mad at something but not all of you. ur literally proving my point here


well ofc boo will be called out this was that type of situation, would be the same if it happened to any other pro but why are you only attacking sen fans do you want me show people from other fandoms who called him out? and just cause some sen fans are involved you immediately went on to attack tenz who has nothing to do with it, you want tenz to be hold accountable for his porn addiction? fine then we should do it for all other pros then... and then there's your own shitty logic and mentality that you follow which makes you assume that I Tenz like a god and I am a sen fan and hurling derogatory remarks, should I also assume then that the whole edg fandom or whatever fandom you support is like this?


yea ur retarded i said not all sen fans are like this and ur still ur argument of that i did which i never did say lmfao


I never once mentioned about that part it was done by the other user you were arguing with and yet you're living in your own delusion, always assuming things on your own, the only part of your previously said sentence I mentioned was "always a sen fan" where I tried to remind you that other fandoms do the same shit and never did I defend the sen fans that act like a child only asked you not to make derogatory remarks towards Tenz. Now, it is already clear through our conversation that not a single word goes through your head, it's just funny to see you throw in random words like retarded, bandwagoners, braindead, bouncing on cock, you think these give credibility to your "opinion" or what?


why shouldnt i make deragatory on tenz. he is a porn addict look at all the clips about his steam agmes. and it is always sen fans. u didnt call out zellsis who lit got suspended for being racist. my opinion is my opinion ur clearly pressed about it even im saying not ALL SEN FANS RETARDS lol. ur actually braindead and ive already mentioned other fanbases do but no one of them are as bad as sen apart from arguably prx and bandwagon edg fans. u sound so butthurt about what im saying about tenz. he is a degen porn addict. WHICH CAN BE EVIDENCED BY HIS STEAM jesus im giving stuff i can back and ur just bawling like a fucking baby


i have receipts to why i dont like sen players lmfao and why i think ur all hypocritical as shit when we call you out butt hurt as fuck that we calling out ur players for what they are. https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/esports/competitive-ruling-zellsis/?linkId=100000049378829 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4MMJ5a4EQk&pp=ygULdGVueiBoZW50YWk%3D

SEN fans ok calling everyone else out but themselves lmfao


having receipts is a crazy enough proof that you hate them to their core and every thing you say sources not from logic but pure hatred towards sen players and the fandom. I hope you learn soon that this is a serious disease, I hope you can recover


alr buddy assume what u want but ignoring this means ur heads in ur fucking ass in ur delusion about them. all u need is a google search fuckwit. ur not even addressing what ive said in it and why i think sen fans are stupid for calling out other players. absolute retard.


see how you're living in your delusion, you are repeating the same sentence "i'm not saying all sen fans are retards", which part of "I never once mentioned that part, it was done by other user" i said that you fail to comprehend?... and here you are blatantly saying "why shouldn't I make derogatory remarks towards tenz?", no need for others to say it when you are proving yourself to be a piece of shit, you want to know why? because you are a fucking waste of space on earth. I've been tolerant of you because I only wanted you to understand that the ones holding Boo accountable aren't only restricted to sen fans but here you are hurling whatever insults you want. Zellsis was already suspended and was called out by all other fandoms what more do you want lol, Zekken was insulted and given death threats by the chinese community but seems none of this is enough for you. No one cares about your stupid opinion because the mentality and logic you follow is fucking childish and stop bring stuff unrelated to the conversation, read first and then reply don't just get anger go through your head and reply whatever the fuck you want, if you do not understand any part of my relies ask me and I would be kind enough to explain it to you.


well zekken said hes literally a china hater. if u cant understand this from their view then maybe u shouldnt be in this convo. same people who are calling out boo were ok with zellsis joining which u cant understand. you cant argue my points at all lol ur saying ohh ur a waste of space on earth u are too lmfao if i am ur ass bad we are both on this site with four stars just ur retarded enough not to realise my original statement said not all sen fans. do u understand what that means are u unable to read???? it MEANS NOT ALL OF U ARE BAD. ad the but always a sen fan IS TURE LLITERALLY ALWAYS A FANATIC SEN FAN CALLING OUT OTHER PEOPLE ON OTHER TEAMS BEING BUTT HURT LOLLL. THIS DOESNT MEAN ONLY SEN FANS DO THIS BUT THE MOST VOCAL AND SEN FANS ARE ALWAYS PRESENT. IVE ALREADY SAID THE ZMJJKKK RETARD CALLING OUT BOO LMFAO READ HOLY SHIT. argue my points lmfao


I do not care what opinions or thoughts you have about other players, you are the one bringing all these shits up, the original reply was just for you to understand that sen fans are not the only one doing this shit but they are the only ones getting called not that people shouldn't criticise them on their actions. I called you out cause I saw you directly attack tenz on a completely different topic just because sen fans were involved and I already gave you my reply on this in #51.

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