SEN fans should be locked in mental asylum

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alr buddy assume what u want but ignoring this means ur heads in ur fucking ass in ur delusion about them. all u need is a google search fuckwit. ur not even addressing what ive said in it and why i think sen fans are stupid for calling out other players. absolute retard.


no one is ignoring you idiot, I already said in #51 that if you want to hold Tenz accountable for this it's fine but you should do it to all other valo pros too because 90% of them do the same shit but you are just fixated on sena and tenz, not my problem if you cant read, you just keep repeating the same shit over and over again when I already made myself clear on that before


i already did. i said EDG are smokers the boo and miniboo thing is weird. zellsis is racist boostio is actually a pig but you see no one cares if its a sen player.


now it's you who is ignoring, did people just leave zellsis or zekken or tenz alone? everyone jumps on them the slightest chance they get wdym no one cares. and if you already read what I made myself clear about like you say why do you keep repeating the same thing?


should they? zellsis got suspended over it meaning that its srs. boo siad it was an accident if it wasnt hed be suspended too. the only reason tenz isnt being called out is cuz hes the figure head of val. zekken well u dont even understasnd the issue


why tf do you keep replying if you can't read? did I say you shouldn't call out the ones trying to cancel Boo? And about zellsis and zekken's situation they got their share consequences and it's a closed chapter you dipshit you want to curse them to eternity for it as you feel it's not enough? and then you crying like a karen "omg tenz is a disgusting human no one calls him out everyone revers him like a god", it's your issue that you keep ignoring the shit he goes through everyday... why tf would people gang up on him cause he watches porn? so all the people in the world should be cursed at and harassed for it? you're making a mountain out of nothing, go reflect upon yourself and the words you choose to say whenever tenz or sen is involved but knowing you, you won't cause you think of yourself as always right and all-knowing.

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