is bren an aspas hater and sideshow a tenz hater? Is this the gist of what i'm seeing from plat chat?
teilwal [#2]bren has seen the light that is statspass and sideshow isnt a hater, t0nz is glazed to the gigamax so if you arent doing that you get called a hater
I think that sideshow was even glazing him during Madrid too which is funny that sen fans get so angry the second they hear a bit of criticism to their beloved TenZ.
kfan4238173 [#3]sideshow doesnt even hate tenz, thats just what happens when you dont glaze tenz 24/7
i think tenz is like top 3 oat but ppl still think im a tenz hater
did he make another tenz video cause i remember the one i watched was about SEN last season and his whole point was if Tenz wasn't named tenz and he was some random player he would've been dropped which is 100% correct
jixk [#5]did he make another tenz video cause i remember the one i watched was about SEN last season and his whole point was if Tenz wasn't named tenz and he was some random player he would've been dropped which is 100% correct
He's made a couple videos about sentinels as a whole this year and he called tenz good in them but that's about it I think. Idk much more though I don't watch him that much