Bonkar with tanz
kickoff winners
paris winners EZ
michaelisupset [#2]where is vanity?
where is xeppaa?:
"Your aim is insane." Xeppaa said, as he slipped his feminine hand into FNS's pants and smirked. "Are you trying to spray me?" protests FNS, as Xeppaa blushes, the boyish figure undressed before FNS. "Weak ass eco play, Xeppaa." The two kissed, deeply and passionately, and afterwards Xeppaa used Wingman to plant his spike into FNS's open bombsite.
boilin_cockroach [#5]where is xeppaa?:
"Your aim is insane." Xeppaa said, as he slipped his feminine hand into FNS's pants and smirked. "Are you trying to spray me?" protests FNS, as Xeppaa blushes, the boyish figure undressed before FNS. "Weak ass eco play, Xeppaa." The two kissed, deeply and passionately, and afterwards Xeppaa used Wingman to plant his spike into FNS's open bombsite.
cockroach why are you making me read this shit
Nachtel [#6]we're winning the Ludwig x Tarik invitational with this one!
do not shit talk my roster!!! it took me a minute to make it up!
AstroGalaxy [#7]cockroach why are you making me read this shit
you have a free will my brother, i did not force you to read this pasta
boilin_cockroach [#9]you have a free will my brother, i did not force you to read this pasta
I dont have free will my demons forced me to read this