Ensure regionnal diversity

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Again vlr you hate read, so as usual I made a video again.

I want your opinion about Suprenational region like SEA, IBIT, East, North, region that have more than one language, and how to be sure at least one team represent every language (subregion), here is 3 solution to be sure every subregion is represented in the T2.

What do you prefer guys ? Not having anything that ensure that every subregion is represented ? HJaving a lot of team that are relegated ? A rule that will relegate the last of the subregions that have more than 1 teams ? 2 group ?



First of all, what is IBT?

Second, do you know how hard is it for me to understand what you are trying to say 😂😂.

Third, I dont get the 1st and 3rd solution but the 2nd is definitely the worst, you don't punish a region for dominating a region.

Besides competitive integrity is not the only thing that comes to mind when we're talking about designing a tier 2 . There's:

  • geography aspect
  • potential aspect
  • current player base population aspect
  • infrastructure aspect
  • survivability aspect
  • finance aspect
  • the teams aspect
  • etc.

IBIT is about the Spanish, Portuguese and Italian circuit


Ooo iberia Italy, now I remembered😂


here is the script (This time I made one :c)

Hi vlr, today I want to open a debate about representiatvity in Tier 2. Inside region that have more than one country, to make Tier 2 appealing what is important is to have diversity, the head of APAC region Jake Sin Said
« In order to ensure that this new league is relevant in all of our SEA regions, we are going to ensure diverse regional representation, »
Alright, thats good, but the question now is HOW, Take SEA for exemple if Idonesia is the best region and Tawan is the worst one, how od you get sure they are at least one team in Tawan in the T2 ? How you can be sure than on long term the 16 term dont become Indonesia or any other subregion of Southeast Asia.
Take League of Legends, when South east Asia and Taiwan have fuse, at first 4 team where from Taiwan 2 from HongKong, one was from Malasia, one Indonesia, one Thailand and one Philipinos, and now we are 4 years later and every teams have a majority of Taiwanese player. It’s even more true, with relegation, when you want to have diversity may cause a lot of problem.

So how can we avoid this ? First solution is to make franchise fot every sudregion that will not be relegated even if they finish last, I dont like this idea, for T2 it may be better to have everyone on an equal foot.

For the moment I can see one possibilty, first you have to list every subregion of the T2, for SEA it’s kinda easy, it’s the 6 regions that just fuse together, maybe add Mongolia potentially. Then you have to install one rule, if the last team of a subregion get relegated and have to save their place in promotion-relegation tournament against other premier team, then this team go in a specific qualifier where every team of this specific qualifier will be from the same subregion, if no team of premier qualify to promotion, then the qualifier will feature the relgated team and the best premier team, then we are sure that this subregion will have at least one team. The teams that will lose this subregion qualifier can either, be eliminated, or just put back in the main promotion tournament, with ever premier team coming from other subregion.
The problem with that system is that you have to be sure you dont have the same number of subregion qualifier than you have relegated team, because if you do, you can’t make a main qualifier for the premier team that come from the best region. Because lets say you have only 2 relegated team, and the 2 relegated team where the last team from their subregion, you will to create 2 subregion qualifier that will take the 2 spot in the league, and that mean, you cant have a qualifier from the teams that dont come from the other subregion.
To be sure that doesn’t happen, you have to be sure that at least one team coming from a subregion with more than 1 team in the league will be relegated, and to do that, you have 3 possibilitys :

  • First possibility, if you have a unique group, you need to have as mush as relegated team than you have subregion. So, if in SEA you have 6 subregion, you need to have at least, every split, 6 team that are relgated and having to play up and down against Premiers team. In that scenario if you have 5 subregion with one team that et all relegated and having to play in subregion qualifier, the 6th team that will be relegated will be from the region with most of the teams.
  • Second possibility, still for a unique group, you can add in the rule that a certain number of team will be relegated, and among every subregion with more than one team the last team will be also relgated, wish mean, if 2 teams are relegated, Thailand got 10 team with none of them being bottom 2, and every other subregion have 1 team, then the last team of Thaland will be relegated and placed in the main qualifier in the promotion-relegation, while the 2 team that get relegated will have to play in their subregion qualifier before playing the main qualifier.
  • Third possibility : Doing 2 group of 8 based on subregion, and putting every subregion with 1 team in the same group, with that system you can be sure in the other group you will have a team from a subregion that have more than one team that will finish last because the other group if full of team coming from a subregion with more than 1 team.

So tell me vlr, what is your favorite solution to be sure every subregion got at least 1 représentant ? Telle me in the comment, and… Byye.




I read the whole thing, it's not a good idea. You are sacrificing too much in order to maintain the diversity, I think VCL SEA's design is already good enough if they wanted diversity.

Appreciate the effort tho, although I still had to read it more than once 😅


VCL SEA 2 team per region is just the first year, next year we will have relegation and in long shot VN and TW will 100% disapear in the next year, and that will be horrible bad in long term.

What the 3 solutions are sacrificing ?


Really ? I thought 2 spots per subregion is permanent.


Nope, since the T2 subregion will disappear it will not be possible to do this system next year x)

So ? Still sure we don't need ? Some of those rules ?


Ok lol have no idea, but why VN will disappear, I kinda get why TW will disappear.


Weakest region of SEA after TW, I dont see top 1 of VN being able to compete against top TH or ID or SGMY (All of them where getting grouped in 2022 if I remember correctly)

I dont see them survive in the long term, only one bad year and the region could disapear and never come back, as it arrived in a lot of SEA subregion in LoL

Among the 3 solution what would be your fav ?


My gut says relegate many teams


That would kinda make the scene eavily instable... to be fair it's the first idea I had, and the other are amelioration from this idea.

What is really funny, is that with the new rule "Academics team won't be relegated" this change absolutely everything XD (and kinda make me force to rethink the 3 model)




Yes ^-^

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