Prime Geddes vs Prime Flynn vs Prime james_ff vs Prime Noyn
Flynn bc he actually uses his skills to make a nice spreadsheet
Flynn clears (james_ff and Noyn are still cool though)
AlexSMTx [#2] Flynn bc he actually uses his skills to make a nice spreadsheet
prime Geddes was smth else tho
Rocket Bullets( His spreadsheet today was amazing)
thenutoriousPRO [#6] prime Geddes was smth else tho
Mans jus guessin
Prime Flynn > Prime Geddes > Prime Noyn
leorge leddes though (his streams back then were fun though)
anonimotum clears all combined
Kirya is gonna go on a run this off season onm
Prime kirya
large lettuce was the greatest journalist of all time (dm'd pro players: what team u on gang)
gold2peak [#10] anonimotum clears all combined
only good take