This roster I cooked up all depends on s0m's flexibility
FNS - IGL/Sentinel
Demon1 - Jett/Controller
Derke - Raze/Controller
s0m - Info Initiator
Ethan - Flex
Maybe s0m can go Senti and FNS go info but idk tbh
kirrans [#4]imagine paying buyout + high salary for derke just to put him on controller NA classic
shut up you damn nerd
kirrans [#4]imagine paying buyout + high salary for derke just to put him on controller NA classic
i mean his jett is worse than demon1 and he can play other duelists like yoru, iso, maybe neon
catNmouse [#9]s0m can go Senti
mans just guessing 💔 🐶
s0m can play anything. he said it himself too
nihso [#10]s0m can play anything. he said it himself too
FNS can only play sentinel or flash initiators which ethan is already better at. S0m is already an amazing controller player zero point in putting him on duelist especially when there’s better ones like derke (putting him on controller giga troll)
Imma be honest ofc this roster would find results, but the roles are all fucked up. Here how I would run it:
Duelist: Derke- the more flexible duelist, he can play yoru raze and Jett all at a high level both aggressively and passively
Smokes: S0m/Demon1- S0m’s too good of a smokes player to take him off his role. I could see demon1 playing astra on pearl/split if they play double controller, as omen is def getting nerfed
Initiator: Ethan/Crashies- my pick would be crashies as his agent pool is better suited for the roster, but Ethan’s also an insane player
Flex: Fenis/Ethan- I think Ethan is a better flex player (he plays flashes, yoru, and omen compared to Fenis’s flashes and viper)
Senti: Demon1/Fenis- Demon1 played a lot of Kj and chamber before EG, and he’s passive enough on smokes to be comfortable on senti. Plus with split coming back he can play Jett like how meteor/alfa play senti normally but play duelist on double duelist comps.
In conclusion, put players on their comfort roles. Build comps around the players agents and playstyles, not vise versa
Two_Percent [#14]Imma be honest ofc this roster would find results, but the roles are all fucked up. Here how I would run it:
Duelist: Derke- the more flexible duelist, he can play yoru raze and Jett all at a high level both aggressively and passively
Smokes: S0m/Demon1- S0m’s too good of a smokes player to take him off his role. I could see demon1 playing astra on pearl/split if they play double controller, as omen is def getting nerfed
Initiator: Ethan/Crashies- my pick would be crashies as his agent pool is better suited for the roster, but Ethan’s also an insane player
Flex: Fenis/Ethan- I think Ethan is a better flex player (he plays flashes, yoru, and omen compared to Fenis’s flashes and viper)
Senti: Demon1/Fenis- Demon1 played a lot of Kj and chamber before EG, and he’s passive enough on smokes to be comfortable on senti. Plus with split coming back he can play Jett like how meteor/alfa play senti normally but play duelist on double duelist comps.In conclusion, put players on their comfort roles. Build comps around the players agents and playstyles, not vise versa
tbh I FNS on info initiators like sova, fade, gekko might not be terrible. frees up Demon1 to go perma senti. FNS has played a bit of fade before too.
nihso [#15]tbh I FNS on info initiators like sova, fade, gekko might not be terrible. frees up Demon1 to go perma senti. FNS has played a bit of fade before too.
fns on sova is like putting n4rrate on sova
nihso [#15]tbh I FNS on info initiators like sova, fade, gekko might not be terrible. frees up Demon1 to go perma senti. FNS has played a bit of fade before too.
Fns never played well on initiator. It allowed him to lead better, as he could combo util and play with the team better, but he was never comfortable on these agents, then again he was never good individually anyways
sooorino [#19]so you're gonna have the smokes player go off smokes to play sova, fade, kayo, or skye and have the duelists take turns playing smokes lol
its what eg did
sooorino [#19]so you're gonna have the smokes player go off smokes to play sova, fade, kayo, or skye and have the duelists take turns playing smokes lol
derke on controller (demon1 is fine but you already have a better smokes player in the form of s0m)
it actually bothers me on how people willingly say shit like that, there’s a reason he was the main duelist on fnatic and not alfa 😂
sooorino [#19]so you're gonna have the smokes player go off smokes to play sova, fade, kayo, or skye and have the duelists take turns playing smokes lol
Yeah it sounds bad when you say it like that, but if you actually put it in practice it would probably look a hell of a lot worse ngl