can y'all invested in the Tier 2 Indian scene tell me some cracked players I should watch out for?
Still hoping GE will just go full Indian and develop homemade talent instead of constantly importing other asian players
The best supporting players we have right now is kohlii and Levi and techno.
In terms of firepower venka, deadly,
Igl Hellf his mid round is actually really good
Problem is all these players have signed contracts already so might as well import players. I feel like GE is gonna have 4 kr players and not have indians at this point
EseemedRes1180 [#3]The best supporting players we have right now is kohlii and Levi and techno.
In terms of firepower venka, deadly,
Igl Hellf his mid round is actually really goodProblem is all these players have signed contracts already so might as well import players. I feel like GE is gonna have 4 kr players and not have indians at this point
Ge plyrs will be decided by their new coach. For now there is no info on it.
Top initiators- seriously lacking but Rvk,Tryst, Rawfiul and Kohli generally speaking
Top controllers- Levi and Techno by a margin and then rest of the top pros
Top duelist - Venka and Deathmaker( in a year probably Trinity would be good enough)
Top sentinels- most stacked category but still to name few Hoax, Rawfiul,Deathmaker,Karam1l, Deadly.
Top players all time - Skrossi, Rawfiul, Deathmaker,Lightninfast,Hoax, Paradox, RVK in that order