what the fuck just happened
probably because you're a fatty
BulkyLettuce [#2] deserved
hope you do too!
same bro i was hating on kangkang too hard
U just yap too much
chrlxz [#3] probably because you're a fatty
not a very nice thing to say
they hate EMEA
Kxtqqh [#7] not a very nice thing to say
but are you?
Cu55Ku55_______ [#6] U just yap too much
i stopped using this forum regularly 2 weeks ago T.T
StrafingGoatWoweeClap [#9] but are you?
nice or fat? as a matter of fact im only 1 out of 2 of the things i said
Kxtqqh [#11] nice or fat? as a matter of fact im only 1 out of 2 of the things i said
fat 100%
yessirsedi [#4] hope you do too!
StrafingGoatWoweeClap [#12] fat 100%
fuck off man😭