region rankings?

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i know it's a bit silly to rank teams from each region because some teams would play good against certain teams that would otherwise be considered better.
But how wild is it that pretty much every region ranking so far was incorrect?

SEN is pretty much the best AMERICAS team. (when they came in as 4th seed)
Trace looked waaay better than BLG and FPX. (even if they were 3rd seed, people still deemed them to be the worst Chinese representative)
DRX is the best APAC representative (when all the spotlight was on GENG and PRX coming into the event)
TH is the best EMEA team (when they came in as 3rd seed)

as for the SEN one, you can definitely say it's a toss up between them and LEV and i wouldn't mind it being LEV. But i still think that when it mattered the most, in an elimination game against Heretics, SEN played better which is why i chose them.


geng clears drx ngl

they just got eliminated earlier because lost to current finalist and sen antistrats early


you can't really rank the teams when you have 3 events in a year with 3 regional events in between them. if you had like 10 events, then yeah, sure, you can rank the teams, but they will change coming into the next event



Prx crying after losing to NA teams saying they ain't used to NA style. APAC is carried by korean orgs

EMEA 2nd cause the amount of trophies they won. Also teams like fnatic had a dominant last year and this year you got TH.

NA obviously the most competent region. 3 teams made it to playoffs. Though this year was weak for them as a region I think.

only edg is consistent in the cn region.

Overall, the only two good teams for me was good this year geng and th, Thought I want edg to win cause asia bias but th not winning would be sad with their year long dominance.

rest of the the teams performance wasnt consistent enough to put faith on them.


prx fan detected
opinion rejected

this the cringiest shit i ever posted

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