map vetos FINALS

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TH version:

EDG ban ascent
EDG ban icebox

EDG pick lotus
TH pick bind
EDG pick sunset
TH pick Abyss
haven remains

EDG win lotus 13-7
TH win bind 13-11
EDG win sunset 13-10
EDG win abyss very close.

if it goes 5 maps EDG will probably lose on haven. however i see edg 3:0 if they clinched bind

LEV version:
EDG ban ascent EDG ban icebox
EDG pick lotus
LEV pick haven
EDG pick bind
LEV pick sunset
abyss remains

EDG wins lotus 13-4
LEV wins haven 13-10
EDG wins bind 13-9
EDG wins sunset 13-11

final thoughts: EDG will probably win against LEV (upper bracket advantage and theyve already played them so pretty great mental plus cUm) however a world they lose if LEV puts in the effort and antistrats hard)

TH tho this shit is close however possible 3:0 if EDG's bind is still strong.

upperbracket map advanatge is too strong tho. if edg doesnt toss like prx they should win


bump looking for thoughts


I love it <3

geospliced [#3]

I love it <3

thanks geo


th would pick sunset asap


i like these but find it so dumb when people post score lines it’s literally just pure guessing it makes the rest of the post look eh


it is def THHH


I have a tough time seeing TH favored on Haven. EDG are by no means strong on the map, but it's prob the 2nd worst map for TH. Doubt they run that troll comp a 2nd time, but whatever variant of standard they would swap to, I think EDG should somewhat comfortably take the map if it's played. Sunset and Bind are both pretty close to 50/50s. EDG have been pretty good historically on Bind and have looked fairly impressive on it since they stopped trolling their comp on it around the start of stage 2, but there isn't enough of a sample size for me to say they should be favored. Pending seeing how they look today, I'd say TH will be favored on Abyss either slightly, or a decent amount. EDG look like they've got some pretty serious holes from their game vs LEV, but they also thrive when things get muddy, which is likely gonna happen on the new map.

Against LEV, I feel like Lotus and Bind are both, not quite sure wins, but kinda close, at least considering the context. I'd be pretty surprised if they lost either to LEV. Haven should go LEV's way, but it's def winnable for EDG. Sunset around a 50/50. Abyss I really don't know. On one hand, I feel like LEV shot themselves in the foot way more than EDG did in the UF, and EDG also barely won while having a 17-7 FB advantage, but I also think that the way they played the map is kinda easy for EDG to anti.

I feel like 3-1 EDG is the most likely outcome just based on how the maps work out against either opponent, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if LEV/TH win. If TH come out in the form they have so far today, I'd be extremely concerned.

Trevor52lv [#8]

I have a tough time seeing TH favored on Haven. EDG are by no means strong on the map, but it's prob the 2nd worst map for TH. Doubt they run that troll comp a 2nd time, but whatever variant of standard they would swap to, I think EDG should somewhat comfortably take the map if it's played. Sunset and Bind are both pretty close to 50/50s. EDG have been pretty good historically on Bind and have looked fairly impressive on it since they stopped trolling their comp on it around the start of stage 2, but there isn't enough of a sample size for me to say they should be favored. Pending seeing how they look today, I'd say TH will be favored on Abyss either slightly, or a decent amount. EDG look like they've got some pretty serious holes from their game vs LEV, but they also thrive when things get muddy, which is likely gonna happen on the new map.

Against LEV, I feel like Lotus and Bind are both, not quite sure wins, but kinda close, at least considering the context. I'd be pretty surprised if they lost either to LEV. Haven should go LEV's way, but it's def winnable for EDG. Sunset around a 50/50. Abyss I really don't know. On one hand, I feel like LEV shot themselves in the foot way more than EDG did in the UF, and EDG also barely won while having a 17-7 FB advantage, but I also think that the way they played the map is kinda easy for EDG to anti.

I feel like 3-1 EDG is the most likely outcome just based on how the maps work out against either opponent, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if LEV/TH win. If TH come out in the form they have so far today, I'd be extremely concerned.

I have a tough time seeing TH favored on Haven. EDG are by no means strong on the map, but it's prob the 2nd worst map for TH

? It's literally their highest win % map after Sunset

ycstrip [#6]

i like these but find it so dumb when people post score lines it’s literally just pure guessing it makes the rest of the post look eh

eh its a bit guess bit a show of how dominant the will would be




they will pick haven ahead for sure


TH v EDG is a 50/50 on every single map

falken [#9]

I have a tough time seeing TH favored on Haven. EDG are by no means strong on the map, but it's prob the 2nd worst map for TH

? It's literally their highest win % map after Sunset

They've played the map 4 times since it came back

They won close-ish games against KOI and GIA and lost close-ish games against SEN and VIT.

All due respect, but I really don't care how well they played the map in the past with a completely different roster minus Boo. I haven't seen anything recently to suggest it's not a weak map for them


EDG ban ascent
EDG ban icebox

EDG pick haven
TH pick abyss
EDG pick bind
TH pick sunset
haven remains

EDG win haven 13-9
TH win abyss 13-10
TH win bind 14-12
EDG win sunset 13-9
TH win lotus 13-7


EDG ban ascent
EDG ban icebox

EDG pick haven
TH pick abyss
EDG pick bind
TH pick sunset
haven remains

EDG win haven 13-9
TH win abyss 13-10
TH win bind 14-12
EDG win sunset 13-9
TH win lotus 13-7

i still think EDG wins on lotus and bind

zhongZHI [#16]

i still think EDG wins on lotus and bind

I actually said 3-2 for EDG when I predicted the last 4 games but I think TH will do it this time. Its a 3-2 for either of them for me. most of the maps are 50/50 including lotus, bind and sunset. It can go either way. U never know what to expect from heretics. Just for the fact they choked all finals I think the will break the fluke and want it a little more than EDG tmrw. Their mental grew a lot especially after they managed to make a lower run back to back now.

let the better team win. it would be heartbreaking to lose another final but i would still be happy for edg. they deserve it aswell. chicho and kang kang look insane. love both story lines. rookie team first year champs or china first title showing everyone they can compete with the best.

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