SEN v FNC Analysis Part 2

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Sentinels analysis in VCT Champions Seoul

Map 1: Sunset (only doing 1st half)
SEN Map Pick, FNC Pick ATK

SEN: Raze, Omen, KAY/O, Gekko, Cypher
FNC: Raze, Sova, Astra, Cypher, Breach

Round 7: SEN start with a 1-1-3 setup. FNC start with a 1-3-1 setup. SEN aggros towards A Main and takes control. Chronicle tries to deny the space with a drone but SEN does not falter. FNC walks up Top Mid again. SEN are prepared with Sacy and Zekken holding it. FNC walks through and Boaster dinks Zekken. Sacy sprays and Zekken ults for a pick. Zekken being low dies mid air to Chronicle before shooting his ult making it a 4v5. SEN fight Mid to even out the round. FNC denies this by running up Market killing johnqt. 3v5. Boaster Astra wall and Zellsis makes a play but flashes himself (shit can). SEN fight Market, Boaster peeks and kills Sacy. Zellsis kills Derke and Boaster but TenZ dies to Chronicle Top Mid solidifying the round to FNC. Chronicle kills Zellsis.

What SEN could've done better
They can't figure out the Top Mid play and try to solve it with a Raze ult but does not work out since Zekken was low from Boaster. This round felt like hero plays to be honest. Zekken ulting, johnqt peeking Market, Zellsis flashing through the wall but flashing himself. Not very good. SEN really needed to figure out how to hold this Top Mid play from FNC. Good round from FNC.

Round 8: SEN start with a 1-2-2. FNC start with a 4-0-1. Zellsis peeks B Main, breaks the Cam and knifes for info and sees nothing. FNC walk up B Main. SEN take A Main space. Zellsis sees Derke and Zekken swings with his op and misses. FNC begin the B execute. SEN play retake. Zellsis ults to deny counter retake util. Sacy ults mid for info. Chronicle counter ults to delay. FNC does not plant and wait for SEN to flood out but SEN doesn't flood since no plant. FNC decides to take Market. Alfajer flashes and Derke nades and kills Sacy. 4v5. Zekken trades TenZ and Sacy and makes it a 3v3. Zekken gets another as FNC try to trade out Zekken. Zellsis kills 1 site and Chronicle trades. 2v1. Chronicle kills Zekken but johnqt trades and wins the round. Score is 4-4.

Crazy chaotic round from both sides. A lot of ults and util made this round weird. SEN played smart not flooding out site since FNC didn’t plant. FNC made a great decision fighting Market and killing Sacy and TenZ as he tries to trade out. Zekken with a good play fighting from Boba trading Sacy and TenZ making it a 3v3 and FNC panicked to trade Zekken but only made the situation worse for them. Overall good rounds from SEN and FNC but still some mistakes.

Round 9: SEN start with a 1-1-3. FNC start with a 4-1-0. Zekken peeks B Main to break the Cam and FNC take fast B Main control. Zekken falls back to site and gives up B Main. SEN takes A Main again but with TenZ oping Tiles and Sacy holding T. Chronicle jump peek and TenZ misses the shot and both fall back to site. FNC goes Mid and B Main and prepare a B Split. Boaster peeks Market and kills Zekken with a CLASSIC?!?. Derke blast packs up site and kills johnqt. SEN fall apart and it’s 3v5. SEN try to salvage the round but peeking from Boba and end it dying. Sacy tries to save and FNC hunt him down.

What SEN could’ve done better.
Zekken whiffed the shot which is unlucky but johnqt dying there is really bad. They needed to stop giving up so much of Mid and start holding it better since that’s their main problem this half. They also should’ve 3 man saved as winning a 3v5 with bomb planted is almost 0% winrate.

Round 10: SEN start with a 2-0-3. FNC start with a 4-1-0. FNC takes B Main as SEN takes A Main. FNC runs back toward A Main to reclear. SEN 4 man walk down Mid. Sacy dies but gets traded and Boaster falls making it a 4v4. SEN tries to fall back but Zekken gets picked from Chronicle making it a 3v4. hiro Cypher ults giving FNC info that B is a clear site and plant. Derke ults into Market and makes space. Chronicle decides to lurk up Top Mid. SEN want to fight Market but FNC doubles up but johnqt kills Alfajer but Derke trades it killing Zellsis but johnqt traded Zellsis making it a 2v3. Chronicle speeds up the flank but TenZ hits a 180 and kills him. Derke swings and trades Chronicle. johnqt trades Derke and 1v1 but 0 time. hiro plays perfectly and wins. Score 4-6/

What SEN could’ve done better
I like the push down Mid but Zekken not having awareness that they are gonna want to trade is very questionable. Very scrappy round from SEN too as they looked clueless. Good round from FNC and great ult usage granting so much space and info.

Round 11: SEN start with a 0-1-4. FNC start with a 1-3-1. SEN gets super aggressive towards A Main and push down with 4 people. hiro goes B Main and waits for a push up. FNC are holding Mid for a push or peek. Zekken ults A Main but hits a tripwire and Chronicle swings and kills Zekken and gets traded but Zekken’s ult. 4v4. FNC speed up B Main with all the noise and info. FNC take a while to hit and SEN catches up to B and is ready to retake. Derke swings Boba and kills TenZ. johnqt misses and does not trade. 3v4. Sacy walks into site with TenZ’s midsite smoke covering him. Sacy tries to make a play walking into the smoke but hiro reads it and kills Sacy. 2v4. Zellsis dies and johnqt saves. Score 4-7.

What SEN could’ve done better
They didn’t play retake and just didn’t do anything together. 0 coordination after Zekken dies and it happened in another previous round. They need to figure this out when Zekken dies early and they look uncoordinated and clueless. FNC also played mediocre this round but hit some nice shots and won them the round.

Round 12: SEN start with a 2-1-2. FNC start with a 2-3-0. FNC B Splits very fast with Breach ult into Market and Derke following up with satchels. Derke doesn’t anticipate a swing from Zekken and dies. Boaster makes an insane play and kills Zekken and Zellsis. 3v4. Sacy ults mid and hits Boaster. 3v3. FNC takes B and plants while SEN play retake. hiro makes a play by going Boba and catching johnqt off guard and makes it a 2v3. SEN reclear toward Boba and Sacy ults to clear site and hits 2 B Main. They can’t capitalize off this and gets util spammed. FNC win the round closing out the half 4-8.

What SEN could’ve done better
Zekken needed to swing Boaster and not have him kill 2 of them. johnqt should’ve have more aware that they could be in Boba. FNC changed the tempo and made a very fast split catching SEN off guard. FNC had a great half with great rounds and SEN could not read their gameplan. FNC closed out the half with a 4-8.

Final Thoughts: FNC play a very slow and punishing attack half. Making sure to always reclear and never give too much space to SEN to avoid a stack. Very interesting but also boring icl. SEN could not read this and always fought A Main which always got recleared by Chronicle drone and always saw 2.

if any1 actually likes these and want to see another game analyze by me idk say sum


damn did u write all that. if yes - respect the effort but golly you should apply for an analyst or 100t head coach or something

Zyppan_Best_Raze [#2]

damn did u write all that. if yes - respect the effort but golly you should apply for an analyst or 100t head coach or something

yeah i did write this. took me about 2 hours to watch and write. i dont really want to become an analyst or coach i would rather become a player. i just do this for fun and actual discussion for valorant but nobody really cares about this or that.

nihso [#3]

yeah i did write this. took me about 2 hours to watch and write. i dont really want to become an analyst or coach i would rather become a player. i just do this for fun and actual discussion for valorant but nobody really cares about this or that.

apply for 100T analyst fr

nihso [#3]

yeah i did write this. took me about 2 hours to watch and write. i dont really want to become an analyst or coach i would rather become a player. i just do this for fun and actual discussion for valorant but nobody really cares about this or that.

respect o7

nguyenboi [#4]

apply for 100T analyst fr

too young bruh

nihso [#6]

too young bruh

is there an age requirement for that

nguyenboi [#7]

is there an age requirement for that

idk tbh probably


this is actually good quality


I am reading allat


Can 100T hire this guy as AC


all this just to be ascendant


Please touch grass immediately

choppedboy [#13]

Please touch grass immediately

My #1 fan


From what I read through, It seemed that alot of their problems came from inexperience and being uncoordinated, Sad to see their closing match was one where they didn't had much experience and record on


VLR analysts are the best

Bluelive [#15]

From what I read through, It seemed that alot of their problems came from inexperience and being uncoordinated, Sad to see their closing match was one where they didn't had much experience and record on

They just lose all discipline and composure when something goes very wrong.


Get a life

Derekt [#18]

Get a life

Not gonna be saying this shit when I win Champsband get MVP and get 1 mil

nihso [#19]

Not gonna be saying this shit when I win Champsband get MVP and get 1 mil

Get a life

nihso [#3]

yeah i did write this. took me about 2 hours to watch and write. i dont really want to become an analyst or coach i would rather become a player. i just do this for fun and actual discussion for valorant but nobody really cares about this or that.

This is really good man 🫡

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