This pool is genuinely the worst pool of any game out there. The map team has no idea wtf they are doing and idk why I saw people trying to say that this map pool is good.
Sunset is retake and spam simulator 16/24 rounds. You can't play on site because the spots just fucked by util. You have to play off site to retake and make your chance of winning much higher than playing on site.
Pearl is decent now but before it was worse that sunset. You play b for free since the 3 angles get cleared immediately. Cove and plant. Run away and spam. Pray that you win the round.
Abyss is the worse one of these. Both sites it's just a box and then fucked by jett updrafting over it and maybe like a dart or stun. Plant run away and spam your cock off.
Now that those 3 shit maps are out of the way. We go on main reason the map team have 0 clue wtf they are doing.
Split was removed added back after a while then removed again even though nobody wanted it removed and the only good map in the pool and then added back 2.5 months after with 0 CHANGES. WTFFFFF
Pearl again removed even after the changes they made and then bring it back with 0 changes.
Ascent has been in this shit for 4 fucking long ass years of getting spammed by Odin 24/7. Same comps. Same strats. Same shit every map. 0 clue why this is happening.
The only good maps IN MY OPINION are Lotus which provides a lot of variety but still has a problem of Odin spam. Bind which is a good map but getting a little stale with the viper brim raze 24/7. Fracture my favorite map. I was so sad when it got removed. It provided so much comp variation and the start were unique and several teams dominated over it. GMB 2021, Optic 2021 Reykjavik, FPX 2022 Copenhagen, EG 2023 Champs. They still haven't brought it back and I'm starting to think they forgot about it.
Sincerely, Stormm