I can't believe Pooper Rex fans were trying to say Forsaken is the better flex...
spe4rch [#2]Chronicle better player but f0rsaken is def better flex (does not mean he's insane at every agent)
chronicle literally
plays more agents
plays those agents better
helps with 2nd calling
shoots better now aswell
in what world is f0rsaken even comparable
spe4rch [#2]Chronicle better player but f0rsaken is def better flex (does not mean he's insane at every agent)
Chronicle does not play more agents cuz he does not want
spe4rch [#2]Chronicle better player but f0rsaken is def better flex (does not mean he's insane at every agent)
Chronicle = Master
Forsaken = Jack
spe4rch [#2]Chronicle better player but f0rsaken is def better flex (does not mean he's insane at every agent)
Only reason Forsaken looked good on flex is because of his mechanics, now that he's stumping on that, he looked mid af
Kxtqqh [#3]yawnster ur the Flex goat, when will you be picked by a t1 team??????????
Don't wanna cause NA to be no team region like in CS...
#Humble #HardTruth
spe4rch [#2]Chronicle better player but f0rsaken is def better flex (does not mean he's insane at every agent)
True but because of recency bias everyone will shit on you for saying this
Uribaba [#10]True but because of recency bias everyone will shit on you for saying this
Wdym recency bias??? Was f0rsakeN EVER good on flex? He always fails when it comes to high pressure moments and hes not a good flex
Uribaba [#10]True but because of recency bias everyone will shit on you for saying this
there is no recency bias LMFAO
please stop being such a fucking biased dumass.
Chronicle is the GOAT all time flex, Bind all time Map GOAT, and 4th GOAT all time Initiator (after Leo, Sacy, Crashies)
spe4rch [#2]Chronicle better player but f0rsaken is def better flex (does not mean he's insane at every agent)
Forsaken is the most overrated player of all time. More agents=/= better, you actually have to play well on all of those agents. Chron is top tier on all the agents he plays.