G2 Hate

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Why are mfs on twitter bashing on g2 so hard one of the reasons I’ve seen is because their gfs were cheering in person and shit talking their opponents. I don’t know how dumb we have to be to realize this is completely fine and normal and happens in literally every sport it’s also weird to hate watch a team because they eliminated sen from contention on split 1 playoffs let it go bro no one cares. Same people who are talking about the “kpopification” of vct like your just weird


i don’t get the g2 hate either but i’m just assuming it’s the whole sen x g2 rivalry from 2021 which is way lamer than fnatic vs g2

catNmouse [#2]

i don’t get the g2 hate either but i’m just assuming it’s the whole sen x g2 rivalry from 2021 which is way lamer than fnatic vs g2

pretty sure it has to do with the whole Carlos and tate thing as well

Diebs [#3]

pretty sure it has to do with the whole Carlos and tate thing as well

yea g2 as an org just brings negative aura & the social media isn’t helping their case either lol

Diebs [#3]

pretty sure it has to do with the whole Carlos and tate thing as well

Hate watching a team that grinded from ascension and surpassed everyone’s expectations tenfold already is so weird just jealousy lmao


basement dwellers who have never felt the warmth of a woman before crying because a girl is supporting her boyfriend
bunch of parasocial freaks who got access to the internet way earlier than it was supposed to be

Ayush__ [#5]

Hate watching a team that grinded from ascension and surpassed everyone’s expectations tenfold already is so weird just jealousy lmao

people on the internet are weird as fuck

Diebs [#6]

basement dwellers who have never felt the warmth of a woman before crying because a girl is supporting her boyfriend
bunch of parasocial freaks who got access to the internet way earlier than it was supposed to be

The internet in general should have never been a thing. China has the right idea to police it in the way that they do and require ID verification and restrict content. People in the USA especially are way too brave in saying whatever they want without repurcussion.

jiayou0813 [#8]

The internet in general should have never been a thing. China has the right idea to police it in the way that they do and require ID verification and restrict content. People in the USA especially are way too brave in saying whatever they want without repurcussion.

idk if policing the internet is the right thing to do but it's obviously a cultural thing and nowadays the entirety of the internet is like that irrespective of the region


It doesn’t surprise me that the Valorant community doesn’t know what a relationship is
Ofc g2’s gfs are gonna cheer them on and shit talk
Just because you’ve never left your basement doesn’t mean you have to cry abt it on twitter

Diebs [#9]

idk if policing the internet is the right thing to do but it's obviously a cultural thing and nowadays the entirety of the internet is like that irrespective of the region

Nah, if certain nations don't begin policing their internet they're actually cooked.

Young men are buying onlyfans subscriptions and getting 95% of their female interaction from Twitter bots and Twitch ASMR, that's how we get these basement dwellers with parasocial interactions with women. And the rest of them who actually talk with women are gay.

Do you think men acted this way before the internet? Not at all, they were actually forced to learn real life skills. Just my take anyways, internet will be the downfall of certain nations. That's why China is smart to control it.

jiayou0813 [#11]

Nah, if certain nations don't begin policing their internet they're actually cooked.

Young men are buying onlyfans subscriptions and getting 95% of their female interaction from Twitter bots and Twitch ASMR, that's how we get these basement dwellers with parasocial interactions with women. And the rest of them who actually talk with women are gay.

Do you think men acted this way before the internet? Not at all, they were actually forced to learn real life skills. Just my take anyways, internet will be the downfall of certain nations. That's why China is smart to control it.

imagine being this scared of freedom.

jiayou0813 [#11]

Nah, if certain nations don't begin policing their internet they're actually cooked.

Young men are buying onlyfans subscriptions and getting 95% of their female interaction from Twitter bots and Twitch ASMR, that's how we get these basement dwellers with parasocial interactions with women. And the rest of them who actually talk with women are gay.

Do you think men acted this way before the internet? Not at all, they were actually forced to learn real life skills. Just my take anyways, internet will be the downfall of certain nations. That's why China is smart to control it.

internet will indeed be the doom of many countries and you're not totally wrong but there are other aspects to it as well

jiayou0813 [#11]

Nah, if certain nations don't begin policing their internet they're actually cooked.

Young men are buying onlyfans subscriptions and getting 95% of their female interaction from Twitter bots and Twitch ASMR, that's how we get these basement dwellers with parasocial interactions with women. And the rest of them who actually talk with women are gay.

Do you think men acted this way before the internet? Not at all, they were actually forced to learn real life skills. Just my take anyways, internet will be the downfall of certain nations. That's why China is smart to control it.

There are so many industries and products whose sole focus is to abuse human psychology and get people addicted and it leads to this kind of bs. People aren’t normal today because so many products have evolved to target the human brain in order to get people locked in on buying their product or using it over and over again.

LouBag [#12]

imagine being this scared of freedom.

Freedom to be degenerate isn't a good freedom if you want productive societies.

FireDJVA [#10]

It doesn’t surprise me that the Valorant community doesn’t know what a relationship is
Ofc g2’s gfs are gonna cheer them on and shit talk
Just because you’ve never left your basement doesn’t mean you have to cry abt it on twitter

Ong actual incels


No shot people are that upset of people cheering for a team

FireDJVA [#14]

There are so many industries and products whose sole focus is to abuse human psychology and get people addicted and it leads to this kind of bs. People aren’t normal today because so many products have evolved to target the human brain in order to get people locked in on buying their product or using it over and over again.

You're not wrong but there's not enough being done at a higher level in a lot of places to keep things in check imo. I'm glad you bring up addiction because platforms like Twitch are especially guilty of contributing to this by allowing sexualized media in a space filled with 13 year olds. Now imagine if they got slapped with a legal warning telling them to either restrict their platform or get rid of the sexual content, that's already progress.

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