Where were you all a week ago? Now that NA got eliminated early you want to all come out from under your rock and talk?
sO alPHa oF yoU! yOU SHoWEd thEM AmERicanS!
Azzelastia [#4]Most of us were hiding because we haven't won anything in the last 365 days. 0 trophies. We even gave APAC their first trophy.
Winning these games are a light for us, we don't have anything else.
NA is just too good.
I disagree, as an american myself I think EMEA owns us and we just have no chance! man I love NA and am the most american person you will ever find but EMEA sadly clears!!!
Chikenwarrior23 [#6]I disagree, as an american myself I think EMEA owns us and we just have no chance! man I love NA and am the most american person you will ever find but EMEA sadly clears!!!
I disagree, as a European myself I think NA owns us and we just have no chance! man I love EU and am the most European person you will ever find but NA sadly clears!!!
Klick1108 [#7]I disagree, as a European myself I think NA owns us and we just have no chance! man I love EU and am the most European person you will ever find but NA sadly clears!!!
We’re all wrong, EDG clears us all and is going to prove that China is number 1, it’s Inevitable.
trembolonaRage [#3]Americas is so fucking weak
bunch of teams just running around in blocks and entering the bombsite without any util coordinationno tactical depth involved
Trembo you always hit the nail on the head (when you are not talking about mwzero or keznit)
Klick1108 [#7]I disagree, as a European myself I think NA owns us and we just have no chance! man I love EU and am the most European person you will ever find but NA sadly clears!!!
0/8. You ain't fooling anybody.
Klick1108 [#7]I disagree, as a European myself I think NA owns us and we just have no chance! man I love EU and am the most European person you will ever find but NA sadly clears!!!
Guys you need to get some real life hobbies. This is some degenerate nonsense
LilUziSkrr [#10]You were literally canadian two posts ago. Going through an identity crisis?
take ur meds
Klick1108 [#7]I disagree, as a European myself I think NA owns us and we just have no chance! man I love EU and am the most European person you will ever find but NA sadly clears!!!
idkmanwth [#15]so if we talk shit before the match, we're overconfident (and if our team loses, we're braindead), and if we talk after the match ends, we're pussies?? make it make sense bro
idk about overconfident... overconfident is better than just showing up only after ur team/region wins
Klick1108 [#18]idk about overconfident... overconfident is better than just showing up only after ur team/region wins
just like asslestia?? talking like his team was allat and going into silence the second they lost?
idkmanwth [#19]just like asslestia?? talking like his team was allat and going into silence the second they lost?
idk who that is, but I think if someone is going to talk trash, they should just always talk trash... talking only when it's convenient isnt the way to go
trembolonaRage [#3]Americas is so fucking weak
bunch of teams just running around in blocks and entering the bombsite without any util coordinationno tactical depth involved
brazil is where?