I guess KRU is stronger than Envy right ???
I mean for Gold2.... when the match matters they get shit on
Leaked bracket: G2 will face KRU (due to 1st seed) , SEN will face ENVY
Cause g2 got first and kru got 2nd.. what’s ur point
he is calling out sen fans who said 'seeding doesnt matter' but know G2 is facing the easiest team and SEN is stuck with fking NA bois and ACE/SMB
Ohhhh gotchu
nV not so smug now after getting the easiest group, but holy hell what sorcery has G2 performed? Beats Giants to qualify as last seed and gets into the guaranteed to get out of group-group together with SEN.. Now they draw KRU? Bruh
Because they got 1st seed :))
That means they could have drawn 100T or nV here also.