Americas Dominance

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Since the VCT began 4 years ago one region has stood out from the rest. Americas.

2021 Americas won the first ever LAN with a clean sweep. Having 3 teams in playoffs at Masters 3 Berlin with one going to the Grand Final. Falling off towards Champions.

2022 Americas start out the year strong with 2 Americas teams in the Grand Final of Masters 1. Next Masters we had 3rd place finish which kinda sucked since our teams were just bad and competed with Champions 2021 our worst LAN. Champs 2022 was just absolutely dominated by us. Once again 2 Americas teams in the Grand Final and 2 other Americas team in the playoffs.

2023 The year Americas showed who was on top. Lock in had an Americas team in the Grand Final but not much they could've done with the shitty format. Tokyo we had a rough tourney with our teams out of form and not at thwir peak. Champs is where we came to play. Americas 1st and 3rd showing whose boss.

2024 Again Americas in the Grand Final of the first Masters with another team 4th place. Shanghai we had all 3 of our teams at playoffs with a 4th and 3rd. Champions is not finished but 3 teams at playoffs with 2 being likely contenders to winning.

No other region comes close to us.

EMEA got lucky with FNC being smart and grabbing Leo and Chron. They don't deserve 3 of their trophies that being FNC and FPX as PRX threw on breeze (suygetsu aims, the reset) and FNC being the only good EMEA team in 2023. (EMEA only 1 other team not named FNC in Champs playoffs despite having 5 teams attend)

PACIFIC is just choking year after year only having GEN.G winning a trophy for them although PAC have been in 3 LAN Grand Finals.

CHINA is still new but still pretty mediocre with some teams having a decent run but can't beat EDG 5-6th placement.


No region comes close to Americas and thats the simple truth


Real shit. 2025 is about to be different though.

SEN still at the top.
LOUD is making a comeback.
KRU always makes champs.
NRG will make a roster move I can feel it.
LEV keeping the roster maybe no cum or mazino.
100T wants revenge and they will make a comeback.
G2 keeping the form up is always gonna be scary asf.
EG can pick up Shanks and dominate like EG Demon1.
MIBR will still be shit.
FURIA can be decent ig.
2024 Ascension prob M80 will be a powerhouse.


Riot merged other regions to be equivalent to EMEA. In 2021, there was no region called Americas


The idea was still there.


in the end trophy's determine the dominant region and EMEA and American has same amount of trophy's
( before PRX "threw" Optic got destroyed by FPX so keep crying braindead sen fan)


optic were in a bad form that event and why I said Copenhagen was our worst event competing with Champs 2021 where only C9 and KRU made it.

It was a miracle optic for 3rd. Should've lost to LOUD tbh.


Honestly this trend for Tactical FPS has always been the same, this isn't something new honestly. It was either always going to be EMEA or AMERICAS dominating. With EMEA their talents decided to stay in their other tactical FPS but for us in Americas we had so much CS failures that transitioned to Valorant well and could be the reason for our dominance because the NA scene in CS literally died out and then Valorant came to save the careers of our notorious chokers of events


this region shit is so stupid bruh just enjoy the teams


How is it stupid? If you hate that China haven't been doing well then just say that.


trace just beat lev ? although i agree with you


Until they meet again.

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