PRX rebuild is just not worth it for the org

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The org has seen incredible success and is very popular, which has allowed them to collaborate with other org/companies, which is great monetarily. With this current roster + coaches, they can continue qualifying for future events and keep getting their brand out there. There is no need for this org to take this risk with new players as they may not even qualify.

yes winning it all may be hard with this roster (I think potentially it's doable) but qualifying for every event already puts you in a better position than the majority of other orgs. Winning is nice and all but making the lans are far more important and they should stay with this consistency.

TLDR; prx can continue to qual to every region with this roster and there is no point from the org's perspective to change anything


It depends on where they finish next split within the top 3 ngl (if the make it to the top3 that is). I wanna see a lotta off season tourneys as well.


Agree, after all this all is just business


I can see them sticking with current roster for another year, with Jinggg finally forced to play another agents rather than Raze, Neon, and Sage.

At some point though, if the roster failed to make it into top 3 in an international stage, the fans would be fed up with the org themselves. The current fans, minority of them already showed the signs. As for the majority, it's still filled with idol culture fans where winning doesn't actually matter to them.


That's bullshit explanation, PRX rebuild not worth it cause even these players can get u a motherfucking trophy on international level if u made some small freaking changes in the team play

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