But G2 are still your only hope at champs.... SEN didnt play amazing today, GenG just played amazingly shit
Yeah thank you dude.
Hell who am i to question your delusion, have fun.
Sen played way better than they were doing but go ahead and discredit everything to just geng playing badly
vitality didn't play good, talon just played amazingly shit
On Lotus i definitely agree with you
talon was just a bad team
On Lotus yes, on sunset they werent great but i wouldnt say it was bad
SEN have as much of a chance to win champs as G2 so idk where you got your opinion from
LMAO its a shame G2 is an americas team, such a great team with perfect fundamentals that gets disrespected by insufferable SEN fans
Literally not even a hardcore Sen fan. You're just downplaying them because "GenG played bad"
Im not down playing them because GEN G played bad....Im doing it because they played VERY bad, if they played just bad i would be watching haven right now
if GenG were playing bad the results would've still been similar. It's not like GenG was astronomically better than Sen going into this matchup
least delusional Vitality fan, repost this when they make it out of groups (LEV 2-0)
Did you even watch the match???
v0tality flair
yeah sure buddy cry me a river
A lot of crying being done on this thread...none by me tho considering i dont care who wins between Americas/APAC
4 bonus and 4 pistol is luck KKKKKKKKKKKKKK
he didn't even mention "luck"
Every sen fan knows theyre luck merchants ๐ญ๐๐ผ
3+ kills from spamming smoke in most critical rounds = not luck kkkkkkkkk
I never Said any thing about luck...and its funny you mention pistols because GEN G losing all the pistols just proves my point
I got a feeling Sen will get 0-2 record man, thatโs sucks
correct but sen looks good rn but i dont think they go far in playoffs i cant think of a team in playoffs they can beat
They would beat Trace, can beat DRX, and would give a good go at TH in this form.
Sen and Gamers2 grand finalists you heard it here
grass is green
You would think so, but theres about 10 people on this thread trying to gaslight me into thinking grass is purple