map experts

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how would you change valorant's map design to make it less spam fest because i feel like the new maps have this problem but more prevalent


Easiest way is to add obstacles in line of sight like boxes


Delete these bullshit ahhh paper wall first and modify the choke point's designs, like B main on Sunset. I don't think you need to actually repress all spam post plant possibilities bc it's a fair strat, but just do it so it's an actual fair 50/50 play with real and efficient counters

spe4rch [#2]

Easiest way is to add obstacles in line of sight like boxes

yeah that's a good idea. they could also make it like b site ascent where the site isn't exposed to the choke point where the attackers needs to come through

MrBlooBloom [#3]

Delete these bullshit ahhh paper wall first and modify the choke point's designs, like B main on Sunset. I don't think you need to actually repress all spam post plant possibilities bc it's a fair strat, but just do it so it's an actual fair 50/50 play with real and efficient counters

absolutely agree with this. on the topic of paper walls, i thought ascent was bad but holy everywhere on lotus is spammable

egann [#5]

absolutely agree with this. on the topic of paper walls, i thought ascent was bad but holy everywhere on lotus is spammable

  • this damn abyss B main -_-

widen the area you can defuse in and dont allow pings near the bomb


+6 VLR Goomana

bruhmphrey [#8]

+6 VLR Goomana

surplus goomana lets go!

egann [#4]

yeah that's a good idea. they could also make it like b site ascent where the site isn't exposed to the choke point where the attackers needs to come through

Ascent still being one the best designed map since the start of valorant just tells you how rito is shit at making maps


cs maps clear


changing the map designs straight up is complicated. like for ascent, an "easy" solution is to not make the b main walls wallbangable anymore, but that creates another set of problems (for example, attackers get free b main control almost every time unless the defenders try to push in every round or use util to stall hard)

some changes that don't need to change the maps themselves, but still reduce spam, that i generally like are:

  • dead teammates can no longer see planted spike on attack minimap (can't just ping it for free). or at least, the spike is hidden on the minimap based on their living teammates' POV -- if they can't see the spike because they're hiding behind a smoke, their dead teammates can't see it on the minimap
  • buff sage so she's used some more, since her wall is basically anti-spam when placed well and allowed to reinforce (but this would REALLY depend on how they buff sage because we obviously don't want to break her)
  • nerf ares and odin ammo just to give them the same treatment the vandal and phantom got. and/or give the odin an even longer reload time to punish odin spam even harder
LycheeBlade [#12]

changing the map designs straight up is complicated. like for ascent, an "easy" solution is to not make the b main walls wallbangable anymore, but that creates another set of problems (for example, attackers get free b main control almost every time unless the defenders try to push in every round or use util to stall hard)

some changes that don't need to change the maps themselves, but still reduce spam, that i generally like are:

  • dead teammates can no longer see planted spike on attack minimap (can't just ping it for free). or at least, the spike is hidden on the minimap based on their living teammates' POV -- if they can't see the spike because they're hiding behind a smoke, their dead teammates can't see it on the minimap
  • buff sage so she's used some more, since her wall is basically anti-spam when placed well and allowed to reinforce (but this would REALLY depend on how they buff sage because we obviously don't want to break her)
  • nerf ares and odin ammo just to give them the same treatment the vandal and phantom got. and/or give the odin an even longer reload time to punish odin spam even harder

i really like the suggestions and that 1st point is most likely implementable and arguably make post plant spam more challenging. bump!

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