Hating on a Rookie kid because someone called him 'good' and typing mechanical at everything thinking they are being original funny. I know it's not that serious but I can't stand these people bro. Twitch chat is worse than 4chan, can't lie.
Serath [#4]Just turn chat off if you don't like it, complaining on VLR won't change anything lol
You are real smart. I am not complaining, just stating my mind. Do you use social media and vlr just to bring changes in everything?
KITTT [#10]the only chat that doesn´t do that is sliggy´s, at least from what i´ve seen
probably because u get banned if you simply type "throw" "washed"
snowdivine [#12]probably because u get banned if you simply type "throw" "washed"
you get timed out, and if you do it a lot you get banned, because they dont want people insulting the players? whats wrong with that
KITTT [#10]the only chat that doesn´t do that is sliggy´s, at least from what i´ve seen
Because its a controlled space with active mods
SaltyMcNulty [#7]You are real smart. I am not complaining, just stating my mind. Do you use social media and vlr just to bring changes in everything?
You are complaining
5percentTINT [#2]What is 4chan?
4chan is filled with pedo and other weirdos, better is that don't go there !!
VxpxFX [#19]Twitch chat isn’t just unfunny. They are hella retarded. They don’t know how Eco and bonus rounds work.
But some ppl there are rly nice tho
It was never funny