Why riot gave 2 slots for some no name region in the biggest tournament? These guys are bad af im glad bren got some visa issues.
dagbarox [#3]wtf? SEA is doing pretty good so far
They lost both series what are you talking about?
zerosh1ma [#2]ur team is just as shit
paper rex isn't even bad
correction, theyre both shit*
I think that was one of the lowest level of valorant Ive seen
xTwitchyx [#4]If these guys are bad, what does it say about SMB? They dropped a game to this "bad" region.
KoreanOverlord [#11]correction, theyre both shit*
I think that was one of the lowest level of valorant Ive seen
f0rsaken had an off day imo
KoreanOverlord [#11]correction, theyre both shit*
I think that was one of the lowest level of valorant Ive seen
Youre not watching korean valorant then
n1cotine [#8]They lost both series what are you talking about?
They gave VS a really hard time, the team who destroyed Acend. Also PRX vs SMB was one of the closest series in the whole tournament
n1cotine [#8]They lost both series what are you talking about?
are you dumb? despite being the worst team of the tournament. second seeded EMEA lost a map
zerosh1ma [#19]f0rsaken had an off day imo
yes I agree, why am I being downfragged lmfao
that was not high level valorant
n1cotine [#14]Unlucky
So does that mean PRX was unlucky they lost that last one? I swear it's luck one game then skill the next. make up your damn minds.
hacklesacka [#10]smb are fucking ass lmao about to get 13-0'd by acend
Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose my child
zerosh1ma [#24]kr valorant is on par with emea
Eh only Vision Strikers are. Rest of KR is questionable.
Gaeman [#12]Yeah I can't believe they gave turkey as slot smh
Turkey won their spots. Its not giving to them. SEA teams have some gold tier players and done. Youre in berlin. What a shitty format
SnooTangerines [#15]Imagine almost losing to a no.2 seed of a new region that got 3-0ed by Bren.
Edit: Paper Rex was not even top 8 in SEA a month ago lol.
Also, this guy is just downfragging us.
This paper elo team won against bren tho.. They just threw the final. COPIUM brother COPIUM
Gaeman [#12]Yeah I can't believe they gave turkey as slot smh
They didnt gave Turkey a slot actually. Turkey Deserve it's place in EMEA tournament. Are you living in a cave or what?
fisherman [#16]LMAO holy fuck SMB went from "turkish superteam" to barely beating SEA SECOND SEED
All good brother. Its what happens when you have 1 month to prac
fisherman [#16]LMAO holy fuck SMB went from "turkish superteam" to barely beating SEA SECOND SEED
"let me say they lost to luck" - COPIUM
I swear some people just can't face reality their team sucks. Like both team sucks but for a team from a "superior" region, to drop a map against a "weaker" region says more about the team.
Ravencrow [#32]I haven't seen you say anything good in this community but toxicity
Its decharging for me. Pls spit your weak a$$ words in somewhere else
vollizie [#30]Eh only Vision Strikers are. Rest of KR is questionable.
VS, NUTURN, DWG all of them are good.
sez33 [#33]SMB with how they are playing they are one of the worst teams at the tournament
Dont be sad because guild didnt make it man..
vollizie [#30]Eh only Vision Strikers are. Rest of KR is questionable.
content creators got a map off g2
MilanTheMyth [#34]was closer than expected + sea still good + ur team sucks too + 80 ms demons
Why are these indians talking? Dude you guys doesnt even have a representation LMAO. But you guys had your "f0rsaken" back in the day LMAO
n1cotine [#38]This paper elo team won against bren tho.. They just threw the final. COPIUM brother COPIUM
they got 3 - 0 dumbass
drewxa [#37]your whole account is full of toxic posts. don't make me bring up the armenian genocide
Yeah dont make me bring it up either. You eastern european doesnt know anything about that stuff instead of what your media tells you. So you shouldnt bring it up the topics that you doesnt know.
shyftnot [#47]VS, NUTURN, DWG all of them are good.
Okay, but are they better than the top of EMEA?
plebwong [#49]Turkish super team doesn't look super against SEA 2nd seed.
Turkish super team founded 2 months ago thats why
n1cotine [#48]Dont be sad because guild didnt make it man..
Guild KEKW at this point they are better than SMB
n1cotine [#48]Dont be sad because guild didnt make it man..
Guild will 13-0 TR and SMB with decent ping.
VoidFlux [#56]smb almost died to a trash team then lol
Dude you guys are literally have no represantation. Why are you guys commenting on stuff LMAO. Maybe you guys are just sad cause you cant play the game and sticking the just commenting. Thats a good point actually
MilanTheMyth [#62]Guild will 13-0 TR and SMB with decent ping.
Please get some teams in the tournament first then talk
n1cotine [#61]siktir lan
Salak salak millete küfürler savurup toxiclik yapacağına dışarı çıkıp az hava al andaval. Senin gibi kekolar yüzünden Türkleri sevmiyorlar, haklılar da. Seni anan baban sevip terbiye vermemiş, elin adamı niye sevsin.
n1cotine [#63]Dude you guys are literally have no represantation. Why are you guys commenting on stuff LMAO. Maybe you guys are just sad cause you cant play the game and sticking the just commenting. Thats a good point actually
free speech and rights, guess turks dont know shit about rights since you guys committed fucking genocide lol
n1cotine [#66]Dont talk dogs. You guys doesnt even have a team
calling us dogs while you commit genocide lol
County [#22]are you dumb? despite being the worst team of the tournament. second seeded EMEA lost a map
And barely made a win out of split, their 2nd best map.
tRONGOD [#74]So you are mad cuz your #1 seed dropped a map + had a close series against #2 SEA ( ・ั﹏・ั) OmegaLuL
Bren would have clapped these onliners no cap xD you should be glad COPIUM COPIUM COPIUM
Turks on LAN kekW xD
So butthurt. Go back to home dog
anabaci [#68]Aptalsın amk. This was meant for "n1cotine" replied to wrong comment.
Yala bunları yala mamanı verirler belki amnakoyim
1king [#76]And barely made a win out of split, their 2nd best map.
SMB also won 13-2 on Breeze which a map they have never played before. Things don't work like that
anabaci [#68]Aptalsın amk. This was meant for "n1cotine" replied to wrong comment.
Yala bunları yala mamanı verirler belki amnakoyim
Lizardz [#82]Just shut the fuck up u fucking turks
Cry SEA cry. You guys shouldnt have any representation
TheHardStuckImmortal [#84]change ur name from nicotine to copium
Change your name to EU Silver = India Paper
n1cotine [#89]Cry SEA cry. You guys shouldnt have any representation
Cry Kid Because ur team will lose and WONT go to champions
n1cotine [#91]Change your name to EU Silver = India Paper
India is just my nationality and i agree they are nowhere near what the turkish and EMEA teams are. Doesnt change the fact u are diehard delusional copium sniffer
n1cotine [#83]Yala bunları yala mamanı verirler belki amnakoyim
Ne yalaması 3iq salak. Senin düşünce tarzına sokayım daha önce kimseden sevgi göremedin herhalde. Tuttuğun takım zar zor 1 maç kazandı diye egon tavan yapmış millete toxiclik yapıp adımızı kirletiyorsun. Sana kötü bir haberim var bu arada. Yarın Acend çok büyük ihtimalle SMB'nin içinden geçtiğinde umarım aklını kaybetmezsin.
ChronicIncubus [#39]They didnt gave Turkey a slot actually. Turkey Deserve it's place in EMEA tournament. Are you living in a cave or what?
Yeah!!I was living in ur mum giant cave
curree [#51]content creators got a map off g2
yeah when sound issues mean u couldnt hear a blast pack judge into uhall every round
redlight [#96]How could the EMEA 2nd seed that rolled through qualifiers struggle against the SEA 2nd seed? In a relatively easy matchup, hmm?
This game proves that PRX and SEA is overlooked and can give a challenge to teams levels above them.
PRX is shit. Dont suck some asian balls cause you want some upvotes
n1cotine [#102]PRX is shit. Dont suck some asian balls cause you want some upvotes
Buddy I'm Asian myself lmao, and all I can say is that PRX actually made SMB sweat. Maybe this proves that maybe Turkey is not as strong as everyone thought. PRX played well despite their expectations and SMB is doing poor despite their expectations. Humble yourself.
I never been so frustrated before from a comment. Listen dickhead... I really hope you to be a some retarded 12yo shit kid cuz if not I'm gonna loose my whole fkin respect to your region and your team. PRX almost fked the heck outta SMB but that one thrifty round by SMB... no shit SMB ran the biggest fluke in the EMEA history. ngl I love to support EU region from CS days but seeing shitheads like you really made me to support Korean or Asian teams... atleast they have the nicest fanbase unlike... nvm. Shit fks. F.
Gaeman [#100]Yeah!!I was living in ur mum giant cave
I was doing this kind of lame jokes when i was 13-16. Your brain age isnt older than this. :)
BAKA2535 [#104]I never been so frustrated before from a comment. Listen dickhead... I really hope you to be a some retarded 12yo shit kid cuz if not I'm gonna loose my whole fkin respect to your region and your team. PRX almost fked the heck outta SMB but that one thrifty round by SMB... no shit SMB ran the biggest fluke in the EMEA history. ngl I love to support EU region from CS days but seeing shitheads like you really made me to support Korean or Asian teams... atleast they have the nicest fanbase unlike... nvm. Shit fks. F.
No one needs your support peasant.
n1cotine [#107]No one needs your support peasant.
just shut the fuk up you filthy rat shit. you already pissed me off
KoreanOverlord [#11]correction, theyre both shit*
I think that was one of the lowest level of valorant Ive seen
Paper Rex > F4Q
F0rsaken >>>>> Bunny
ChronicIncubus [#106]I was doing this kind of lame jokes when i was 13-16. Your brain age isnt older than this. :)
So if I give u a sucky suck then u will get arrested?noiceJsns