the worst part is that those fallacies somehow make sense in ur small brain....
if we're talking about stats, the closest to aspas in consistency as a duelist is derke
Derke is shit
and what does consistency have anything to do about it? We're talking about who has the best mechanics in the world right now
even if we were talking about of all time, we'd be measuring peaks
the best mechanics across all time is different than the best mechanics of all time, which is different than the best mechanics in the world currently
There are plenty of players with better aim than aspas currently, but that's not why he's the best duelist
See, this is what I mean; what other choice do I have left but to insult your reading comprehension?
Mechanics are not a single stat. they're a loose grouping of multiple different skills, which I will list out:
Reaction Time
Flicks landed
Spray control
When it comes to tracking, Primmie is better
when it comes to reaction time, primmie is better
when it comes to flicks landed, Primmie is better
when it comes to awping, aspas is better,
when it comes to micro-movement aspas is better
wwhen it comes to spray control aspas is better
and most importantly, who wins if one peeks the other with equal guns? Primmie does
12:33 - Primmie
18:24 - Aspas
19:07 - Primmie
45:51 - Primmie
Who won in the h2h? Primmie