"Someone bring up a valid argument regarding trans in sports" THIS IS JUsT AN EXCUSE TO EB TRANSPHOBIC
first of all there is no term like transphobic, biologically there are 2 genders, forget god or any religion, 2 chromosomes, so disturbing natures way to force yourself into another chromosome is mental illness, you can call it phobia if u want, but it just shows how the media psychologically has ingrained that into you, 2 genders simple as that, trans is a disease brought by the western media and especially democrats, its about time that people call this illness out and get rid of it
bro has no argument other than to insult me, mind you I didnt insult or call you any swears even once, I hear myself loud and clear, democrats have ruined our country and scientifcally what you are calling me out for you are in the wrong for, biologically you are defying the natural law and order, and thus its a mental disease
you say the media has plagued us yet you have the most basic education and dont actually know what youre talking about. chromosomes are an indicator to sex, not gender. And then again that doesnt define what they are born with. the suggestion is she was born with female genitalia and has XY chromosomes. Intersex people exist which completely blows your "logic" to pieces