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Exactly which part of my argument would you call delusional?

1) I expect GE to get 4-5 positions in LCQ but SkRossi to prove his jett skills regardless.

2) A small region like Korea can produce pretty good teams like VS.

3) A large region like SEA's seed no. 2 went toe to toe against VS. Arguably one of the top 3 teams in the world. Results are results and you see them. forsaken also proved with his high ACS against VS that he was not a guy that was just "farming t3 regions" but a genuinely talented player.

You are the one who thinks that VS was "not trying" and "pugging" and "saving strats".

Secondly, you believed a troll statement made buy a troll guy that VS 24-0's PRX. Who needs some fact-checking here?

Dude, maybe you save strats in playoffs in your region. Once you are in Berlin you are on the international stage and clearly, VS was not very comfortable in the win against PRX.


1) you have no reason to expect this other than your own regional bias, they haven't proven themselves and the region itself is completely unproven in any respectable esport (besides maybe team wolf like 7 years ago, if that)

2) korea is a dramatic outlier because esports is part of the cultural zeitgeist, no other country on earth is as integrated with esports and pc gaming culture so comparing any region to them is disingenuous at best and delusional at worst

3) already addressed this, not my fault you think saving strats doesn't exist when anyone with a functional brain would see the vs acend game and understand

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