Can someone help me how can i get to plat
Can someone help me how can i get to plat
Ok genuine advice.
Stop playing duelist. It is one of the hardest to play in ranked, with teammates that don't communicate or set you up. You need to have the kills and mechanical ability to perform well on duelist in ranked.
Play Initiator. It is the easiest role to play in ranked, you have util to support yourself and your teammates, and it'll help when you play behind your duelists and learn to trade.
Hit the practice range/DMs/aimlabs. Your HS% should be 25% at the very minimum. This could be due to the fact you're playing neon who is more spastic, or because you have a super high sens.
Try lower sens. I like to play on 800 dpi and anywhere from 2-2.5 in game sens. It can help you solidify your aim.
Unbind your crouch. This was one of my biggest problems when I was climbing. I kept crouching when shooting. Get more comfortable with strafing and staying mobile in gunfights
Play intentionally. Don't do things because you've seen them online or just because. Make every move you make intentional, every bit of utility count.
Once you have the mechanics, and overall game knowledge, you can branch to other roles and improve.