Sentinels signs N4RRATE on a ......

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I started back in 2021, and I'm putting the bare minimum value into scrim wins, but it's all I have to go off of. If I had something better then I woulda used that.

Edit: also just realized I misspelled scrims earlier LMAO


if you're putting minimal value, then why even consider it?

if you consider it to be minimal, why'd you refer to FPX as being beaten in the sense of an actual tournament instead of a scrim? you said that SEN has already beaten FPX once, so they could do it again. this refers to actual tourney results, and you are making a comparison to a do-or-die scenario to a scrim of, by your own words, "the bare minimum value."

you get my flow or no?


I get what you're saying. Tourney wins vs scrim wins are realistically irrelevant in the overall picture, and honestly mate I got FPX never playing Sen so this argument has been for nothing, but you still scrim the active roster, and the FPX habits still go through, it's more like a rough feeling of how they play than anything. Me personally, I rather have a rough feeling of someone's play style through practice then just watching vods. I worded my crap wrong cause I didn't fully think through my thoughts initially, that's what I'm sayin ig.


if you put it that way I would agree with your point

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