what language do mixed korean/japanese teams comm

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there are many japanese teams who have a few korean players. I don't think it's common for japanese to speak korean and vice versa, nor is it common for either japanese or koreans to speak english. So was just wondering how they communicate


Quite sure initially they use simple English callouts then learn Japanese slowly (some also have players who translate for the rest of the team)


And thats kinda explain why ZETA was the better JP team, and why import is bad in country that are bad at english, I can trust in portuñol, english in EMEA, but APAC should really avoid import at every cost (Bleed failure might be another good exemple), communication is the key.

We will see if Talon will give me wrong, but I really think it's a bad idea


It seems to me that spoken English in teams is more universally accepted than Japanese or Korean, and these are LAN tournaments, at home they most likely speak their native language, I don’t know


You're not wrong about English, it's just in japan there's barely any use for it so majority barely use them.


perhaps you are right, and I agree with you
I often meet people on European servers with a Russian-speaking accent, but their language is super incomprehensible, I could be wrong
Because before I played on Faceit, people with the same accent still tried to speak English and it was really good
Although I myself am from Germany, and it’s easier for me to communicate in English, but this is most likely my nit-picking


Bleed failure was purely because of their strats and roster, not about their comms. They have been using English comms even before yay joined (sScary Thai, crazyguy Viet, the other 3 is S'porean whose national language is English), and they made it to Tier 1.

Talon has four English speaker; Ban, Governor, crws, and Surf. I don't know about JitboyS and Primmie.

It isn't APAC that should avoid import, but it's the Japanese and Korean team. They have their own server, and hence the homegrown players won't be able to speak English fluently.

Other regional server such as Singapore and HK mainly speak English in their ranked comms. Those servers are made up of many nationalities such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, and India.


Generally importing players is a short-term solution and might add up more problems in the long run. But, there are some regions that are better suited for imports and vice versa. Which is why getting an english speaking import to region like japan is just not ideal at all.

I've been thinking for sometime now but cannot explain it because I lacked a suitable case study, but Xdll is the perfect case for this:

Xdll played for blue bees prior chosen as Zeta as a sub to replace Tenn, although in the end Xdll never played for Zeta, we at that time at least knew who Xdll is. So why was he invincible when he's playing at blue bees? Important thing to note is at blue bees really llikes to pick russian talent( they literally picked Something , Jemkin and Kr1stal separately at some point. And Russians can't speak japanese ( or at the very least the 3 players I mentioned can't, no offense), so the team ended up having to speak english, and from Xdll's performance it seemed that he's not comfortable comming in English and it shows. sure there's a lot more factors happening , but this can show that when you want to import players you need to import those who are suited to your region and its players, you can't just import an arabian ranked demon just because you can.

Holy yap😅.

I was about to use Sengoku as a case too but I don't think they are a good case.




some players like foxy9 xnfri or tenten speak both japanese or korean, its not that hard to learn the language like for english speaking people.


Most Korean players in VCJ know Japanese at least to a usable in-game level

In cases where they don't the team would have one player translate the Japanese comms to Korean (JoxJo did this for Meteor on 2022 Northeption)


Idk how it works for japanese teams with koreans and vice versa, but on talon they apparently comm in english. if one of the thai players are confused or can't understand a callout, then crws translates for them and they comm in thai if there are only thai players alive. It might be something similar in japanese teams with koreans.


Japanese, not that hard to learn if u comes from east asia


Pretty sure on Northeption the igl translated what the Koreans said into Japanese or vice versa

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