for winning the most humble player trophy 🙏 sadly this would be the only trophy he could win in his entire career cuz he is buttcheeks
acels [#2]and cned wins fattest player trophy 🙏 🙏
why you tryna hide your real identity ac0ls what is that flag and flair
Mr_S1NIST3R [#6]i congratulate* j0nggg
i might have made a misspell in the title but you get what i mean
VxpxFX [#7]Bro went 28/14 on Lotus
he didn't let that get to his head and bottom fragged the next 3 maps giving drx the win because of how humble he is
VxpxFX [#7]Bro went 28/14 on Lotus
wow what a performance
he definitely did not go bottomfrag after that for next 3 maps