2 litres of water 2 cup of coffee 2 cigarettes
good day incoming 😎
2 cigarettes in the morning ??
bros lungs are #000000
Froggy0_0 [#2] 2 cigarettes in the morning ??
one for each coffee
laeDLaer [#4] one for each coffee
you suck bro
butterdog_dogwithdabutter [#3] bros lungs are #000000
good one
smoking cigarettes = skill issue
L move ngl
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao [#7] smoking cigarettes = skill issue L move ngl
better than bubblegum chocolate vape
laeDLaer [#8] better than bubblegum chocolate vape
leg day clears
7whanzussjwbsysbbejskaoao [#9] leg day clears
leg day is tomorrow brother
laeDLaer [#10] leg day is tomorrow brother
not for me
6 KM run 2 glass of mango juice no sugar Warm bath Sleep Watch PRX overheat, ruin my mood again