Listen up paket phoenix, there is no Indo superteam and never will be.
You will have to share the glory with the Malaysians, the Singaporeans, the Russians, and the Japanese (developed something)
Let's go PRX ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
sm0ke3 [#4]lmao, the japenese
Hey , we wasted time resources and money just so he can build his resume, at the very least we get to claim him as ours 🤣
Crip: IndiHome Paket Phoenix ✌🏻
Blood: IndiHome Paket Streamix 🤙🏻
bearmans [#13]not even. guy is indo but a JP VCL glazer.
I'm literally not Indonesian lmao. I copied what some other guy was saying in Indo to ragebait and your dumbass fell for it. And you're also a weirdo who spends his free time making alts in VLR ! Hope that helps
bearmans [#13]not even. guy is indo but a JP VCL glazer.
could be a fake flagger but don't think he's indo
arin2016 [#16]I'm literally not Indonesian lmao. I copied what some other guy was saying in Indo to ragebait and your dumbass fell for it. And you're also a weirdo who spends his free time making alts in VLR ! Hope that helps
jangan bohong wkwkw lu orang yang pengen banggeeeett monyet cabut dari PRX sampe bikin trit pake akun baru wkwkwk
bearmans [#19]jangan bohong wkwkw lu orang yang pengen banggeeeett monyet cabut dari PRX sampe bikin trit pake akun baru wkwkwk
Don't understand anything but I see Shityet and PRX in there. I just remembered that you're the loser who was mad about Botyet. Keep crying buddy, won't make him a good player.
arin2016 [#23]Don't understand anything but I see Shityet and PRX in there. I just remembered that you're the loser who was mad about Botyet. Keep crying buddy, won't make him a good player.
see? guy even exposed himself kekw
YWNBJ broski
5percentTINT [#15]Ya ass is not Japanese arin2016
Because what I'm saying is not Kawaii and wholesome? Get your shit players out of VCJ. Plaguing the league with garbage disrespectful players smh
bearmans [#24]see? guy even exposed himself kekw
YWNBJ broski
This guy wants me to say something offensive to Indonesia to prove a point so he can get me banned. What a loser, get a life man and just accept the fact that Botyet is not a tier 1 player !
arin2016 [#23]Don't understand anything but I see Shityet and PRX in there. I just remembered that you're the loser who was mad about Botyet. Keep crying buddy, won't make him a good player.
orangepanda part 2 ?
arin2016 [#27]This guy wants me to say something offensive to Indonesia to prove a point so he can get me banned. What a loser, get a life man and just accept the fact that Botyet is not a tier 1 player !
which post did i say that or at least made you wanna do that? just stating facts.
bearmans [#29]which post did i say that or at least made you wanna do that? just stating facts.
I'm also stating facts. It's kinda weird how every time I see you, you are riding Shityet. And that's also the only time you respond to me. Always trying to change topics to save your glorious shitter Botyet keke
IonlywatchvcjXD [#25]To those who don't understand why arin claimed something as part of vcj
VCJ wasted time resources and money just so he can build his resume, at the very least VCJ gets to claim him as theirs.
that's pathetic
arin2016 [#30]I'm also stating facts. It's kinda weird how every time I see you, you are riding Shityet. And that's also the only time you respond to me. Always trying to change topics to save your glorious shitter Botyet keke
check on my posts and see how many monyet post i made to glaze him.
i replied to you because i said you are a damn falseflagger and mentioned that you are a monyet ragebaiter. thats it.
bearmans [#32]check on my posts and see how many monyet post i made to glaze him.
i replied to you because i said you are a damn falseflagger and mentioned that you are a monyet ragebaiter. thats it.
I'll do you one better. Search "monyet" and see how many posts are yours. Jesus Christ man, zip it up when you're done or something
arin2016 [#33]I'll do you one better. Search "monyet" and see how many posts are yours. Jesus Christ man, zip it up when you're done or something
yeah, uhh reading comprehension.
badutsirkus [#31]that's pathetic
imagine being grown and raised in your home country just to be "claimed" by another country just because they spent a bit of pocket money for a year-ish stint
IonlywatchvcjXD [#25]To those who don't understand why arin claimed something as part of vcj
VCJ wasted time resources and money just so he can build his resume, at the very least VCJ gets to claim him as theirs.
nah smth is russian and is claimed by EMEA
Dreoxx [#35]imagine being grown and raised in your home country just to be "claimed" by another country just because they spent a bit of pocket money for a year-ish stint
You got a problem with it? Maybe if your orgs are a little bit more competent with their accounting then vcj won't have to tank your problem.
Dreoxx [#35]imagine being grown and raised in your home country just to be "claimed" by another country just because they spent a bit of pocket money for a year-ish stint
they might as well claim Munchkin and Foxy9 as japanese then lol
Dreoxx [#35]imagine being grown and raised in your home country just to be "claimed" by another country just because they spent a bit of pocket money for a year-ish stint
Not to speak for Ilya but you're talking as if all the credits are being taken for the hard work he put in. I'm sure he's somewhat thankful to be able to play in the scene.
Riprif [#41]Haha your joke funny bro with no japan team and player in playoff
Got carried by a Korean and a Russian and you guys still manage to suck lmfao. 0 talent region
IonlywatchvcjXD [#37]You got a problem with it? Maybe if your orgs are a little bit more competent with their accounting then vcj won't have to tank your problem.
jesus christ dude why're you pressed
arin2016 [#26]Because what I'm saying is not Kawaii and wholesome? Get your shit players out of VCJ. Plaguing the league with garbage disrespectful players smh
showing true nature i guess
ahdd [#38]they might as well claim Munchkin and Foxy9 as japanese then lol
ikr this logic makes 0 sense
all of a sudden N4RRATE is claimed by EU now that KC is investing their resources in him!
arin2016 [#39]Not to speak for Ilya but you're talking as if all the credits are being taken for the hard work he put in. I'm sure he's somewhat thankful to be able to play in the scene.
I agree with this, VCJ has given a lot of opportunities as of recent
sussybaka [#40]Indo talents would beat sentiluls, they are insanely good, it's a shame they never get to show that to the world. Hopefully next year will be better.
Indo talents would be the worst talents in Asia Pacific if PH talents and Indian talents weren't included in the question. You guys are NOT beating anyone bro.
IonlywatchvcjXD [#47]Did I sounded like that?
maybe so, if you're starting with "You got a problem with it?"
it sounds a bit condescending, and not to mention "if your orgs are a little bit more competent...tank your problem"
then fucking don't. if it's a KR scene issue why're you guys pulling KR talent to VCJ then ranting about it in half of your posts? shit doesn't add up. its also not an accounting issue (at least primarily), so idk what you are on about
Dreoxx [#51]maybe so, if you're starting with "You got a problem with it?"
it sounds a bit condescending, and not to mention "if your orgs are a little bit more competent...tank your problem"
then fucking don't. if it's a KR scene issue why're you guys pulling KR talent to VCJ then ranting about it in half of your posts? shit doesn't add up. its also not an accounting issue (at least primarily), so idk what you are on about
Ok my bad if that's the standard then maybe I am a bit pressed. But the fact that many Korean players choose to play for VCJ's orgs happens as a result of kr's problem.
I'll be frank , because of VCL KR can't handle their problems, now VCJ needs to carry the burden of two VCLS.
arin2016 [#16]I'm literally not Indonesian lmao. I copied what some other guy was saying in Indo to ragebait and your dumbass fell for it. And you're also a weirdo who spends his free time making alts in VLR ! Hope that helps
sore wa yokunaizo-!
anta no oya ga konna koto wo oshietano?
IonlywatchvcjXD [#52]Ok my bad if that's the standard then maybe I am a bit pressed. But the fact that many Korean players choose to play for VCJ's orgs happens as a result of kr's problem.
I'll be frank , because of VCL KR can't handle their problems, now VCJ needs to carry the burden of two VCLS.
you're not wrong. VCJ has a higher level of competition than VCL KR because of this as well. players like akame, jinboong, gwangboong, only1, allow, gangpin, bangnan, esperanza, wolverine, lob, kobra, etc... are just a few on the top of my head that I can think of.
at the same time, the F/A situation in Korea is tough, since a lot of t1 teams in KR made very late decisions that screwed over many players (such as k1ng), which has lead to either
a) exporting to other CL leagues like VCJ
b) F/A and trialing/scrimming
c) retiring
straybullet [#54]sore wa yokunaizo-!
anta no oya ga konna koto wo oshietano?
Speaking so rudely to a stranger. Looks like your upbringing is the same as mine !
arin2016 [#57]Speaking so rudely to a stranger. Looks like your upbringing is the same as mine !
stranger dakara koso, tame de iinjanai? tokyo server mo soudashi~~
arin2016 [#42]Got carried by a Korean and a Russian and you guys still manage to suck lmfao. 0 talent region
In rrq vs dfm monyet and lmemore on fire bro (what is dfm? detonator focus meiy???joke team).
In rrq vs zeta xffero carry team (what is zeta?no dep fire no party?)
Stop trying hard bro
straybullet [#59]stranger dakara koso, tame de iinjanai? tokyo server mo soudashi~~
Not really. Much more formality in the voice chat. Even 2ch boards are more formal when addressing others.
Riprif [#61]In rrq vs dfm monyet and lmemore on fire bro (what is dfm? detonator focus meiy???joke team).
In rrq vs zeta xffero carry team (what is zeta?no dep fire no party?)
Stop trying hard bro
Both current ZETA and DFM are bad rosters. No indo org will ever get even close to ZETA's international placement + I can name 5 t2 JP orgs that can wash RRQ keke
arin2016 [#62]Not really. Much more formality in the voice chat. Even 2ch boards are more formal when addressing others.
zannen daga, vlr wa souyuu forum janaine~~
arin2016 [#63]Both current ZETA and DFM are bad rosters. No indo org will ever get even close to ZETA's international placement + I can name 5 t2 JP orgs that can wash RRQ keke
They always can tap the retry button for next year eh
Dreoxx [#56]you're not wrong. VCJ has a higher level of competition than VCL KR because of this as well. players like akame, jinboong, gwangboong, only1, allow, gangpin, bangnan, esperanza, wolverine, lob, kobra, etc... are just a few on the top of my head that I can think of.
at the same time, the F/A situation in Korea is tough, since a lot of t1 teams in KR made very late decisions that screwed over many players (such as k1ng), which has lead to either
a) exporting to other CL leagues like VCJ
b) F/A and trialing/scrimming
c) retiring
Which is a shame then, imports have been an important reason as to why japan becomes a competitive region. To say that they didn't contribute much is just insincere.
It works back then because there aren't sufficient jp players who are good enough at vcj tier2. Note that I said back then, because although the condition hasn't been improving rapidly, it's still improving regardless, we are seeing more japanese talents like players from Reject and fav( shame that they didn't make it to split 2). And we're even seeing 2 teams who went full japanese able to secure top 4 (both murash and fennel).
This is a great improvement, and it shows that vcj is starting to produce its own talents. The problem is instead of decreasing it actually increased. This is bad because more imports means no to little development on up and coming talent ( because now you have to fight for spots with the imports).
So ideally you would want gradually decreasing reliance on imports and gradually increasing development on young talent.
Tldr: frankly imports are important to the scene but vcj also need to develop and nurture young talents too.
J0ke sin should find t2 kr orgs that are capable of paying wages similar to vcj's 😭
IonlywatchvcjXD [#67]Which is a shame then, imports have been an important reason as to why japan becomes a competitive region. To say that they didn't contribute much is just insincere.
It works back then because there aren't sufficient jp players who are good enough at vcj tier2. Note that I said back then, because although the condition hasn't been improving rapidly, it's still improving regardless, we are seeing more japanese talents like players from Reject and fav( shame that they didn't make it to split 2). And we're even seeing 2 teams who went full japanese able to secure top 4 (both murash and fennel).
This is a great improvement, and it shows that vcj is starting to produce its own talents. The problem is instead of decreasing it actually increased. This is bad because more imports means no to little development on up and coming talent ( because now you have to fight for spots with the imports).
So ideally you would want gradually decreasing reliance on imports and gradually increasing development on young talent.
Tldr: frankly imports are important to the scene but vcj also need to develop and nurture young talents too.
J0ke sin should find t2 kr orgs that are capable of paying wages similar to vcj's 😭
I agree with everything you just said, but I never said that they don't contribute much? If anything, I implied the opposite lol
Dreoxx [#68]I agree with everything you just said, but I never said that they don't contribute much? If anything, I implied the opposite lol
Sry I'm just saying that as a precaution to those who wanted them out completely.😅
At the same time I need to get this off my chest 🤣
IonlywatchvcjXD [#69]Sry I'm just saying that as a precaution to those who wanted them out completely.😅
At the same time I need to get this off my chest 🤣
i see, but I do feel like antagonizing the scene a lot and operating what you're saying from what you hate exclusively actually draws more people to hate your takes, even though what you are saying does have some actuality to it
Dreoxx [#70]i see, but I do feel like antagonizing the scene a lot and operating what you're saying from what you hate exclusively actually draws more people to hate your takes, even though what you are saying does have some actuality to it
'operating what you're saying from what you hate exclusively'
Sry I'm suddenly dyslexic 😅what do you mean by this?
IonlywatchvcjXD [#72]'operating what you're saying from what you hate exclusively'
Sry I'm suddenly dyslexic 😅what do you mean by this?
i see a lot of your posts, and most of them is what you hate about the scene, and your posts revolve and operate around these overly critical points you're making, which makes it hard for other people to relate
Dreoxx [#73]i see a lot of your posts, and most of them is what you hate about the scene, and your posts revolve and operate around these overly critical points you're making, which makes it hard for other people to relate
I see, call this a lame excuse but I've been here quite long enough and japanese players don't have a good reputation this is true back then and although nowadays it's not as bad but it's still by no means great. I mean, no offense , "2koreans>1 korean" phrase is prevalent back then and sometimes that still applies can say that ive been baited but if you always have to look at the same thing every week , that will get to you . So i find it quite hard to see a need to use proper word, since no one ever believed in vcj's own talent anyways.
Tbf I don't like making these posts either but things never got better so someone has to say it. I prefer to just glaze at absol and onni( I'm betting that she's the new future of jp gc) you know. 😅