abyss in pro play

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How do we think this map is gonna turn out in pro play? Personally I think its gonna be pretty shit and if not many team's permaban just because of how bad the map is. The only excuse that people can muster up about this map is that it's "fun" for the normal player but since in pro play people are playing to win and not exactly only to have fun the map is gonna be pretty shit.

Mid - An op or even a normal person holding with a rifle on defense has 3 choke points they can play around with (4 if you include breakable). I don't know about you but if I'm an attacker I ain't pulling 4 smokes out my ass and I don't know if you can get much value out of double dome controller on this map either.
A Site - Plant bomb either default or bridge and just pray to RNG that you get kills when they tap.
Attacker spawn - what the fuck is the ledge doing that if you jump off it you take fall damage, I'm pretty sure pros aren't stupid enough to do that but why tf is it there.
B site - Once again plant default or near the ledge and pray to RNG that you get kills when they tap.

Also can we talk about how A heaven and B heaven are positioned in such a weird way that the defenders can find so much value?

Good things about the map:
The concept of being able to fall off the map is good, you can make plays with agents like yoru or omen to get away, but that does not make up for the shit ass map design that abyss is bro.




I love my horsey and my horsey loves me


Played it a few times and it kinda feels like an unfinished map, the sites just have a bunch of random crap thrown around!

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