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”tixx is goofing off when he doesn't know the inner workings of the team (Nth). Sad for his humanity.
I want tixx to go back to his own country quickly, if he is messing around.
If people like tixx are playing, SCARZ is not fun to watch and strong.

It's disgusting, I really, really think so, from the bottom of my heart.I don't want to see you play.
I don't want to see you (tixx) play and it's gross to hear you messing around.

I'm really annoyed and was going to express my feelings on twitter, but I'm not going to do that because it would show my level as a person.
I'm proud of myself for being able to calm down here.

If you as a player speak out against other teams as unmotivated, it will destroy the competitive scene community.

What's really bad is tixx's humanity and SCARZ management skills to make such statements despite their own participation as VCJs.
SCARZ is in serious trouble, I'm going to say it by name.
If you want to talk about culture, you should manage the team with care, because there is only one Japanese national player. It's a risk. It's not good to put it down to cultural differences.
I don't enjoy watching SZ, and when they lose, I think you guys aren't going to do it.
SZMRG rankings don't change, so I think these guys are unmotivated if they lose.”

Original post (PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT): https://www.vlr.gg/365792/mittii-jp-streamer-said-about-scarz

idk how tf they bypassed this. And I still don't know.

mittii is right, they seem unmotivated if they lose. Look at the grand finals against BLEED as an example. THEY GOT SWEPT. IN A BO5.

Their Fracture game was not even close.

Are they trying to do what GE is doing? Because trust me, it didn't work out.

They are harming the Japanese scene as a whole because SCARZ would be the only representative that can be recognized as the "team who represented Japan in Ascension" (so far) when there were 2 RUSSIANS IN THE TEAM LAST YEAR


The worst part is that the Japanese players that actually went to ascension with them are retired, Jemkin and kr1stal was literally 80% of that team

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