ChatGPT talking about me

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Vesprit is an active user on the VLR.gg forums, known for participating in various discussions about professional Valorant teams and players. Some notable posts by Vesprit include:

  1. Discussion on Iso Buff: Vesprit expressed a strong opinion against the concept of an additional shield in an FPS game like Valorant, arguing that it negatively affects the neurological kill registration for pro players [❞].

  2. Opinions on Teams: Vesprit has clear views on which teams should not represent the EMEA region in international tournaments. For instance, they believe Vitality and Team Liquid do not deserve to qualify for major events due to their perceived lack of skill [❞].

  3. Humorous Remarks: In a lighter conversation, Vesprit joked about having a 7% chance of being assassinated by a cow, showcasing their participation in the community's humorous and casual side [❞].

  4. Fan Discussions: Vesprit also engages in debates about popular Valorant players, such as defending zekken from negative comments and suggesting that only mentally stable individuals wouldn't hate him [❞].

Overall, Vesprit is a well-engaged member of the VLR.gg community, contributing to both serious discussions and light-hearted banter.


Damn that's unfortunate


so not only i checked myvlrself on chatgpt?

Tryeue2 [#2]

Damn that's unfortunate

The user Tryeue2 has exhibited rude and disrespectful behavior in various instances on vlr.gg. For example, in a discussion about the top players in Shanghai, Tryeue2 made a derogatory comment toward another user, calling them "braindead" and suggesting they are on "copium" [❞]. Additionally, in another thread about the VCT, Tryeue2 was dismissive and rude when they sarcastically asked if another user was on Adderall because of their differing opinion [❞]. These instances reflect a pattern of disrespect and a lack of constructive engagement with other community members.


Now they can do that?




wait wtf check mine

alpine007 [#7]

wait wtf check mine

The user "alpine007" on vlr.gg has been involved in discussions where they have exhibited disrespectful or rude behavior. For example, in a conversation about the team Sentinels (SEN), alpine007 mocked young fans by saying it is "fun trying to see 13 yr old SEN fans trying to come up with comebacks" and labeled their reactions as those of "braindead viewers" who downvote comments indiscriminately when a streamer disagrees with them [❞].

Additionally, in a debate about the importance of education over pursuing an esports career, alpine007 dismissed the idea that national exams were necessary at a young age, suggesting that the user could take these exams at 30. This perspective was met with significant pushback, as it showed a lack of understanding of the educational system and the importance of timely exams [❞].


Check mine next plzzz


damn what does chatgpt have to say about me?

botfragger432 [#9]

Check mine next plzzz

Cant I dont have chatgpt 4

Vesprit [#8]

The user "alpine007" on vlr.gg has been involved in discussions where they have exhibited disrespectful or rude behavior. For example, in a conversation about the team Sentinels (SEN), alpine007 mocked young fans by saying it is "fun trying to see 13 yr old SEN fans trying to come up with comebacks" and labeled their reactions as those of "braindead viewers" who downvote comments indiscriminately when a streamer disagrees with them [❞].

Additionally, in a debate about the importance of education over pursuing an esports career, alpine007 dismissed the idea that national exams were necessary at a young age, suggesting that the user could take these exams at 30. This perspective was met with significant pushback, as it showed a lack of understanding of the educational system and the importance of timely exams [❞].

the funny part is that the second part is the exact opposite of what I did. some idiot said you could take national exams at age 30 and 9-5 was toxic and miniboo was an idiot for attending a NATIONAL exam. i think chatgpt got confused between me and the other person lol.

I take full responsibility for the SEN one though. i was talking about how there are some braindead viewers who have no opinion of their won and depend on the streamer for their opinion and ALWAYS AGREE with their streamer regardless of what he says.

overall chatgpt is kinda confused and still needs to be perfected

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