ascension players

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wouldn't players on ascension teams want to leave the team and join partnered ones so they can actually maintain a long career instead of having the risk of losing your tier 1 spot after a year? the new rule is a W but also just seems like they want to force out players who won ascension onto other teams, like if M8 don't make champs the players would have had a better shot at a good career if they just swapped to a partnered team.


I mean thats kinda the point, look at Johnqt, miniboo, the entire JDG team.
Challengers shouldn't be the goal for players, if your good, you'll make it to tier 1

DuD5K1S [#2]

I mean thats kinda the point, look at Johnqt, miniboo, the entire JDG team.
Challengers shouldn't be the goal for players, if your good, you'll make it to tier 1

it makes sense, but it sucks that this means orgs have even less reason to support t2 unless they're sure they can sell their players or they're in regions like japan

soonwookong [#3]

it makes sense, but it sucks that this means orgs have even less reason to support t2 unless they're sure they can sell their players or they're in regions like japan

yeah thats why the best unsigned team in NA just got signed, bros just wanted to get into partnership

DuD5K1S [#4]

yeah thats why the best unsigned team in NA just got signed, bros just wanted to get into partnership

or sell em, yeah, it sucks for the t2 environment tbh

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